Ethan Hoagland
Dozens of Sweet Home families could get a chance to do their Christmas shopping for free this weekend, during the 9th annual Kids Free Christmas Store on Dec. 2. The event opens at 10 a.m. at Hope Church, and runs until 4 p.m.
During the event, kids will pick out the gifts for their families. Then, volunteers will help wrap the presents to take home. While the gifts are getting wrapped up, kids will be able to enjoy refreshments and crafts.
For creator and director Nancy Patton, the store offers kids a unique chance to pick out something for their parents or grandparents. Patton told the story of a boy who came to the Christmas Store one year to get a baking pan, so that his mother could finally cook in their own home. She also shared the time a young boy came in to get a Barbie doll for his dad, so his dad could play Barbies with his sister.
The Christmas Store is a testament to the community spirit of Sweet Home. Patton said that she has “about 30 volunteers” pitching in this year. On top of that, two dozen sponsors helped make the Kids Free Christmas Store happen, including the City of Sweet Home, the Oregon Jamboree, Les Schwab Tires and many more.
According to the press release, the Kids Free Christmas Store gave out more than “1,000 gifts and served 200 Sweet Home kids” last year, and Patton said she expects to hit that target again this year.
The event is for kids two to 12 years old.