Athletes celebrated at award desserts

Other than the football team, each of the other fall sports held their team desserts last week to honor their players, both with their team and conference awards. Listed below are the names of the players receiving those awards in each sport. Also, each head coach gave a one sentence description of the team’s seniors.

Water Polo

Special recognition was given to Rose Jones, a parent volunteer who sought community sponsors in order that the team, now a club sport, could even exist. The following businesses and individuals contributed to that cause: McCollum Logging, Triple T Studs, Melcher Logging, Les Schwab Tires, Sweet Home Veterinary Clinic, Napa Auto Parts, Morse Brothers, Road of Life Automotive, More Logs, Midway Sports Center, Terry Bentley Auto Repair, Steven Hanscam CPA, South Fork Trading, Workman and Steckly Funeral Chapel, Cedar Shack Drive-In, Grove’s Pharmacy, Sweet Home R.V. Center, Sweet Home Florist and Gifts, and Mr. and Mrs. Currey.

Conference Recognition

Each team is made up of six players in the field and one goalie.

2nd team: Sean Martin and Jeff Stratman

Honorable Mention: Amber Larsen and Liz Andersen, goalie.

Team Awards

Outstanding Defender: Girls–Amber Larsen, senior; Boys–Larry Coulter, sophomore

Hustle Award: Girls–Katie Jones, junior; Boys–Jeff Stratman, junior.

MVP: Girls–Liz Andersen, junior; Boys–Sean Martin, senior


Coach Rene Kirkland’s comments:

Ashley Andersen: brought good experience which helped her become the team’s leader in steals.

Amber Larsen: In all Kirkland’s years of coaching, the athlete that most loved the sport.

John Corbin: learned more about life and team play as he did about the sport itself.

Sean Martin: the hardest worker Kirkland’s coached, which showed up in his skill level.

Boys Soccer

Conference Recognition

Each team is made up of ten players in the field and one goalie. On the first team, all 11 players

were from Marist and Junction City, two top programs in the state. They also had six of the 11

on the second team. That left only 5 players remaining for at least second team recognition.

2nd team: Heath Belknap, junior

Honorable Mention: Kellen Petersen, junior goalie

Team Awards/JV

MVP: Colton Cooley; Defense: Kirk Workman; Offense: Anthony Hoffman; Hustle: Travis Walker;

and Most Improved: Alex Moser.

Team Awards/Varsity

MVP: Heath Belknap, junior; Defense: Chad Workman, senior; Offense: Heath Belknap; Hustle: Mark Lewis, senior; Coach’s Award: Ben Schmidt, sophomore; and Most Improved: Alex Brown, sophomore.


Coach Louis Dix’s comments:

Ian Lynn: Lefty brought needed speed to the striker position to improve team’s offense.

Marcello Ojeda: Kids liked to hang out with this exchange student from Ecuador, who brought a relaxed feel to the team with his sense of humor.

Sebastian Strickler: brought leadership and humor to the team, which made it enjoyable.

Jonathan Wilson: Will be missed because of his consistently strong defensive play.

Chad Workman: brought team leadership with his work ethic as co-captain which kept defense playing at the top of its game.

Girls Soccer

Conference Recognition

Each team is made up of ten players in the field and one goalie. The awards were unknown at press time.

Team Awards

MVP: Rachel Gaskey, senior; Hustle: Grace Wilson, freshman; Coach’s Award: Sarah Winslow, sophomore; and Most Improved: Mallory Carlson, senior.


Coach Eric Markell’s comments:

Mallory Carlson: one of those athletic kids who catches on quickly; wished she had been out four years

Catherine Fletcher: improved a great deal, giving it all during practice without complaining.

Rachel Gaskey: will be hard to replace this well-respected quiet leader.

Kendra Greene: one of our better players who controlled the mid-field

Anne Helfrich: hard to replace the knowledge of our only 4 year player who had the whole package of skills.

Susie Sieg: improved a lot and gave 100% in games while always aggressive on the field.

Cross Country

Conference Recognition

Each team is made up of the top seven runners at the district meet.

1st team: John Lovik, senior; Megan Snow, senior

3rd team: Tyler Kistner, junior

Team Awards

Most Valuable: Girls–Megan Snow; Boys–John Lovik

Rookie of the Year: Girls–Katie Barr, freshman; Boys–Ryan Sipe, junior

Most Inspirational Runner: Aaron Lovik, senior

Most Improved Runner: Stephanie Kragness, senior

Will-to-Win Award: Tyler Kistner, junior


Coach Billy Snow’s comments:

Aaron Lovik: Mr. Consistency, as solid a runner as I could ask for, who always gave 100% without complaining.

John Lovik: one of those rare top-level competitors who was a solid, smart, knowledgeable runner.

Stephanie Kragness: improved tremendously because of her hard work.

Megan Snow: a remarkable achievement in setting high goals and following through with the hard work to make it happen.


Conference Recognition

Each team is made up of the top six players.

1st team: Lisa Brocard, senior outside hitter

2nd team: Ashley Horn, senior defensive specialist; Nicki Emmert, junior setter.

Team Awards/JV and Freshmen

Freshman coach Kori Langley gave an award to each girl for some special quality. Listed below are the awards most like that of the JV program.

Most Valuable: JV–Holly Reynolds; Frosh–Michelle Cliver

Most Inspirational: JV–Sam Pierce; Frosh–Kambria Walker

Best Offense: JV–Ashlee Gorgita; Frosh–Sara Brocard (hitting),Julie Burcham (serving) and Tabby Trahan (setting)

Best Defense: JV–Holly Keesecker; Frosh–Alyssa Risen (blocking)

Most Improved: JV–Emma Meyers; Frosh–Leah Villarreal

Hustle Award: JV–Sara McCutcheon; Frosh–Mackenzie Marchbanks (consistency)

Team Awards/Varsity

Most Valuable: Lisa Brocard, senior

Most Inspirational: Chelsea Gagner, sophomore

Best Offense: Lisa Brocard, senior

Most Improved: Kari McGuyre, junior

Hustle Award: Alisha Basham, junior


Coach Heide Nichol’s comments:

Lisa Brocard: an amazing offensive and defensive player who was always thinking of how to improve herself and her team while taking on the role of an encouraging leader.

Ashley Horn: incredibly hard-working, dedicated, and devoted to whatever she does and came to practice ready to give 100%.
