Wondering what to do with that baby wipe you just used to clean up the mess your pet made on the carpet?
City officials ask you not to throw it in the toilet.
Even though packaging for such products may say “flushable,” the contents probably won’t break down as toilet paper does and will cause clogs in the sewage treatment system that must be cleared – by people – up to 100 times a day.
The products listed below can cause clogs and sewer backups, which ultimately cost the public money. They can also clog your home’s pipes – before they ever get to the city wastewater treatment center – and cost you very directly.
Here are some examples of things NOT to throw in the toilet:
– Disposable diapers
– Tampons and applicators
– Sanitary napkins
– Cotton balls and swabs
– Mini or Maxi Pads
– Toilet bowl scrub pads
– Condoms
– Cleaning wipes of any kind
– Paper towels
– Facial tissue
– Bandages and bandage
– Automotive fluids
– Paint, solvents, sealants
and thinners
– Poisons and hazardous waste
– Pet poop
– Unused medications