The Boys & Girls Club of the Greater Santiam will hold its annual Fall Auction beginning at 5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 22, at 880 18th Ave.
The event, one of the major fund-raisers of the year for the organization, is themed “Redneck II – This Ain’t No Yard Sale!” Doors open at 5, with live auction starting at 7 p.m.
The list of merchandise is long and includes: vacations in Newport, Five Pine Lodge, Napa Valley, Grand Pacific Palisades and Sunriver; fishing trips; firewood and rock; women’s handguns and classes; entertainment; a freezer containing a pig; various outdoor furniture and appliances; a chocolate Labrador puppy; party packages and much more.
Tickets are $50 per person. Tables are also available.
A barbecue meal will be catered by Angie Tack, with Oregon Beverage Service providing a no-host bar.Heading the organizing team are Wendi Melcher and Heather Search.
For information or tickets, contact the Sweet Home club at (541) 367-6421.