
CCC picnic August 5 at Longbow Camp

The seventh-annual picnic honoring the hard workingmen of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) will be held Thursday, August 5 in the historic Longbow Organization Camp in the Willamette National Forest.

Families and others interested in CCC history are invited to join in this potluck picnic.

The program will begin at 11 a.m. with lunch at 12:30 p.m. Those needing rides can meet at the Sweet Home Ranger Station, 3225 Hwy 20, at 9:30 a.m. Please call ahead to assure a place in the van. The campground is located 23 miles east of Sweet Home off Hwy 20.

Table service and beverages will be provided. It is suggested that participants with last name beginning with A-H bring a hot dish; I-P provide salads; and Q-Z bring desserts, but feel free to bring your favorite.

People with photos, news clippings, or other memorabilia from the CCC years are asked to bring them along to share.

The alumni picnic will conclude a four-day Heritage Expedition in which 18 boys and girls from the Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Indians will be inducted into honorary CCC Company 2004. They will complete needed restoration work while learning the history of the CCC era.

The picnic is being sponsored by Jan and Fred Wellhouser of South Santiam Services and the USDA Forest Service, Sweet Home Ranger District. For more information call South Santiam Services, 541-466-5511, or the Ranger District office, 541-367-9206.
