Cheerleaders third in Springfield

The Sweet Home High School cheerleaders finished third out of five teams at the Emerald Classic held at Springfield High School on Saturday.

Brookings Harbor won the competition. South Umpqua finished second in the 4A large division.

“The team’s looking great,” said Coach Amber Rosa. “We fixed a lot of things we struggled with at the last one.”

This time, the team made a couple of mistakes that are easy to identify and correct, while a bit frustrating to have happen in the first place, she said.

This team tends to improve throughout the season and peak at the end for state, Rosa said, and it appears to be doing just that.

“I feel good about it,” she said. “And we’ve been able to keep a lot of the difficulty.”

The cheerleaders compete next at the Oregon Elite Pre-State Classic at the Oregon State Fairgrounds in Salem on Saturday.
