
Church to Offer “Blue Christmas” worship service

Sweet Home United Methodist Church invites all people who are having a hard time feeling “merry” during the holiday season to join in a simple “Blue Christmas” worship service and soup supper, at 5 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 21.

The service will be held in the church’s fellowship room located at 845 6th Avenue, Sweet Home.

The purpose of this worship time is to provide a place for people who are hurting — for any reason — to come together and acknowledge their pain, to be reassured that there is nothing wrong with feeling grief, loneliness, anxiety or despair, and to experience the message of God’s unconditional love which is at the heart of this season.

The service will be quiet, with gentle music and scripture, and candle lighting to symbolize what it is that makes this season difficult. A soup supper will follow, at no charge; participants are invited to linger by the fireplace with others who are finding it “Hard to be Merry” at this time.

All who need companionship, support, and a few moments of comfort are encouraged to come.
