
City seeks advisory group members

The city of Sweet Home is seeking interested city residents to serve on various city boards, commissions and committees.

Budget Committee: Five positions are available on the Budget Committee, which meets four to six times between April and June, typically in the evenings.

The group assists with the development and approval of annual city budget.

Traffic Safety Committee: Two positions available on the Traffic Safety Committee, which meets the third Tuesday every other month at 7 p.m.

Members review requests to establish or alter traffic and parking controls and all traffic safety problems come to the attention of the committee.

Tree Commission: One position available on the Tree Commission, which meets the third Wednesday of each month at 9 a.m.

It conducts inventory of existing street trees, completes an annual review of the city’s master list of street trees, and maintains and updates the Official Street Tree Plan.

Board of Appeals: One position is available on the Board of Appeals, which meets as needed to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the city Building Official regarding the suitability of alternate materials and methods of construction or interpretation with regard to the Building Code.

All Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee: Three positions are available on the All Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee, which meets as needed to update and discuss the City’s All Hazard Mitigation Plan.

Youth Advisory Council: Six positions are available on the Youth Advisory Council, which advises the City Council on youth-related issues and conducts projects in the city.

One position is open for a junior high-age youth and five for high school-age teens.

Terms for each committee aor board vary.

The City Council appoints applicants to the positions during its regular meetings, which are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month.

For more information or to get an application for these positions, contact the City of Sweet Home at 367-8969, stop by the City Manager’s Office at 1140 12th Ave., or visit http://www.ci.sweet-home.or.us.
