
Community Foundation grant

Tracii Hickman

Fourth in a series.

For The New Era

Thanks to a $2,230 grant from the Sweet Home Community Foundation, a successful reading program at Oak Heights elementary is continuing to reach over 300 student readers. Funding cuts at the school threatened to eliminate the program, and the grant provided gap funding until the Parent Teacher Club (PTC) raised enough funds to take the program over.

The Read At Home program is designed to give children a desire to read by helping them establish a daily reading habitat, as well as a sense of accomplishment and responsibility. Students read at home for fifteen minutes (a parent or caregiver may read to a non-reader) and return to school with a signed Read At Home slip. A running total of days read is kept and students earn small prizes as they reach different levels.

Currently 95% (331 students) of students at Oak Heights participate in the program. Dina Whitfield, PTC vice-president, has several children active in the program. Said Whitfield, “When my oldest son first started reading in the program it opened my eyes to the fact he needed to the daily practice. We’re on our fourth child in the program. I think every child should read daily with their parent. It’s such quality time.”

Another reason for the success of the program is the leadership and commitment from the staff at Oak Heights Elementary. Principal Keith Winslow approached the PTC to assume responsibilities for the program when funding cuts threatened its continuation. Teachers tally daily who in their classroom brought in their reading slip, and many allow reading before school or during recess if a student didn’t read the night before.

Supporting literacy and personal success of the youth of Sweet Home is important to the Sweet Home Community Foundation. The Foundation is accepting applications now for the 2004 grant cycle. Applications may be picked up at the Sweet Home Chamber of Commerce. Applications must be returned by 5:00 p.m. January 16, 2004 at the Chamber. If you would like more information about the Sweet Home Community Foundation, or make a donation to support programs such as the Read At Home program, call 367-9206.
