Charles and Juanita Deffenbaugh celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary at an open house at 1 p.m. on March 2 at their home.
Charles Deffenbaugh and Juanita Arthur were married on Jan. 29, 1953 at the Church of Christ of Sweet Home with B. Ross Evans officiating.
Mrs. Deffenbaugh is the daughter of the late Earnest and Blanche Arthur. Mr. Deffenbaugh is the son of the late James and Gladys Deffenbaugh.
Their children include Kathyrn Deffenbaugh of Sweet Home; Tanya Roundtree of Petersburg, Alaska; Charles Deffenbaugh Jr. of Florence; Jeff Deffenbaugh of Florence; and Lewanna Wilson of Sweet Home.
They have 12 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.