A blood drive organized by Eagle Scout candidate Daniel Brewer drew 67 donors Tuesday at the LDS church.
Brewer is the son of Dan and Patty Brewer and a member of Troop 395. He’s been a Scout since the age of 12.
“When I heard that our church was to host a blood drive, I thought that would be a great Eagle project,” Brewer said. “People in our church are real close and worked together to help me.”
Brewer worked with his Scout leader, John Kuhns, to set up the blood drive.
“We advertised in church, used the list of previous donors to call homes, put signs up in stores and ran a story in the paper,” Brewer said.
Brewer said he was very pleased with the turnout and all the help his fellow scouts, his mom and friends provided.
“I’ve made lots of friends in scouting,” Brewer said. “I like camping the best.”
Brewer is a Husky football player and wrestler. He plans to complete a mission for his church after high school, then go to college. He would like to become a paramedic or fireman.