Sportsman’s Holiday princesses were on hand recently when winners of the South Santiam Slam “Big Fish Derby” were announced by Midway Sports Center manager Dave Jones. Winners from left to right include Shawn Manasco of Lebanon, second salmon 23.14 pounds; Cliff Armstrong of Sweet Home, first salmon, 24.11 pounds and second and third in steelhead, 14.7 pounds each; Joseph Rhyno of Lebanon, third in salmon at 21.9 pounds; Larry and Brittani Crompton of Brownsville, first in salmon, 15.3 pounds. Also pictured from left to right are Princess Breanna Day. Row two: Midway Sports Center manager Dave Jones, Princess Keri Marvin-Smith and Princess Ashley Smith. First place winners had their fish mounted courtesy of DeSoto Expeditions. Second place was a rod and reel courtesy of Midway Sports Center and third place winners receive $50 from the Chamber of Commerce.