
Flue fire damages 4th Avenue home

Firefighters doused a 4th

Avenue flue fire Friday evening.

Sweet Home Fire and Ambulance District responded to a report of the fire at 7:21 p.m.

The fire burned in soot and creosote around a wood stove insert, said Lt. Josh Bondesen.

Firefighters shoveled the material around the wood stove out of the house where they extinguished it, said Battalion Chief Shannon Pettner.

Firefighters ran a chimney stuffer into the chimney, Bondesen said. The stuffer sprays a mist inside the chimney to put out burning creosote buildup. They also broke out more creosote from the chimney.

Pettner and Bondesen said this is the time of year when flue fires become more common as residents begin using their fireplaces. This is the first one they responded to this fall.

A new tenant at the address told firefighters that the landlord had cleaned out the chimney, Bondesen said, but it needed more cleaning.

The Sweet Home Fire and Ambulance District offers chimney sweeps to the public to clean creosote buildup from chimneys and flues in the fall. The district requires a $10 deposit.

For more information about chimney sweeps or creosote buildup, call the district at (541) 367-5882 or stop by the Fire Hall at 1099 Long St.
