Sweet Home High School gradutes fared well at the recent NWACC track and field championships held May 27-28 at Spokane Falls Community College.
They compete for Lane Community College. Team scores were: Highline C.C., 205 1/2; Spokane, 191; Clackamas, 119; Clark, 98; Lane, 96 1/2; SW Oregon, 61; Mt. Hood, 34; Treasure Valley, 9.
100M: Paris Ramsey was 7th in 11.36. Champion was Cody Moore of Spokane CC in 11.04.
200M: Ramsey was eighth in 22.68. Champion was Phillip Alexander of Lane in 21.41.
Pole Vault: Keegan Burnett was fourth at a height of 15’1″ and Robert McGarry was sixth at 14’1″. Champion was Jaymes Powell of Spokane CC at 16’2″.
400 meter relay: Lane CC, first, 41.85 (Paris Ramsey, Eric Dahl, Kalin Kelley and Phillip Alexander).