
Garden Club to dedicate Freedom Tree

The Sweet Home Garden Club will dedicate a tulip tree, designated as a Freedom Tree, as part of a national project by the National Garden Club, Inc., on Feb. 10.

Trees are being planted across the country be member clubs to honor the victims and all directly affected by the Sept. 11, 2001 tragedy.

The dedication ceremony will begin at 2 p.m. at the Jim Riggs Community Center. The Santiam District director and the Lebanon Garden Club will be guests for a special program by Barb Bolden, Master Gardener and landscape designer.

Everyone is invited.

The Sweet Home Garden Club was organized in 1939 with the first president, Ethel Wills. It joined the federation in 1943 under President Lenore Keeney. A 60-year federation history is being compiled, and any early history information would be appreciated.

Persons with information or questions may call 367-8894 or 367-8820.
