The Sweet Home Fire and Ambulance District (SHFAD) responded to a call regarding a head-on collision in the 40500 block of Highway 228, Aug. 20.
Shortly after receiving the initial call, another vehicle struck the wreck, adding a third to the accident.
The initial wreckage, according to the on-scene Battalion Chief Randy Whitfield, consisted of two vehicles that ran into each other head-on. One of those vehicles was a Chevy pickup truck carrying a trailer with an ATV on it, and the other was a smaller SUV.
The damage done to both vehicles was extensive; it is presumed that the additional vehicle that ran into the wreck also had extensive damages.
All people were transferred to hospitals. One driver was transferred code three to Corvallis Hospital, while the other two drivers were taken to Lebanon Community Hospital code one.
Oregon State Police took over the scene; they have not provided updates at this time.