Huskies sweep three on Estacada mats

Sweet Home swept a three-way mat tourney Thursday at Estacada, hammering the Rangers 39-19, Rainier 47-18 and Amity 71-6.

“We wrestled solid,” Coach Steve Thorpe said. “Some of our guys are competing very well right now, despite some injuries and some sickness going around.”

Estacada had been the state’s top ranked tournament team and is ranked third in the state as a dual meet team. Rainier is ranked sixth in the state 3A as a dual meet team.

“It was tough week in terms of some injuries and sickness,” Coach Thorpe said. “Our guys stepped up and showed good leadership for the younger guys. They helped the younger wrestlers work through it.”

David Helfrich continued to look tough, Coach Thorpe said. “He surprised the state’s number one ranked grappler at 160 pounds from Estacada, Groschowsky, in :18,” Coach Thorpe said.

Stokes scored three pins for the Huskies at 135 and although Eric Lambert took some losses, Coach Thorpe said the 152 pounder “wrestled his heart out against some very tough competition.”

Matt Vassar looked tough at 189, Coach Thorpe added.

This week: The Huskies travel to South Albany Wedesday to meet South Albany and South Salem.

Sweet Home 39

Estacada 18

103: Maloney was dec. 6-2 by Wood; 112: C. Workman was dec. 9-4 by Lang; 119: Aerni dec. Dunn 7-4; 125: N. Workman dec. Honenese 15-1; 130: C. Emmert tech falled Youngberg 20-5; 135: Stokes pinned Devey in 1:23; 140: Dearborn pinned Fisher in 4:28; 145: Temple won by forfeit; 152: Lambert was dec. 6-1 by Stafford; 160: McCubbins was pinned by Groschowsky in :18; 171: Helfrich dec. 189: Vassar pinned Miner in 2:24; 215: Brewer was dec. by Gregg 5-3; Hwt.: Cooley was dec. by Zorn 5-2.

Sweet Home 47

Rainier 18

103: Maloney was dec. 5-3 by Tena; 112: C. Workman pinned S. Tena in :30; 119: Aerni pinned Ekstrom in :53; 125: N. Workman was dec. 4-2 by Jacobs; 130: Emmert dec. Byrd 6-3; 135: Stokes pinned Byrd in 1:33; 140: Zurhcer was dec. 9-7 by Fong; 145: Temple dec. Tervoren 3-2; 152: Lambert was dec. 6-4 by Stebiring; 160: McCubbins was pinned by Jacobsen in 4:58; 171: Helfrich dec. Kelley 19-4; 189: Vassar pinned Jacobs in 1:32; 215: Brewer pinned Howett in :21; Hwt.: Cooley won by forfeit.

Sweet Home 71

Amity 6

103: Maloney won by forfeit; 112: C. Workman pinned Anderson in :29; 119: Aerni won by forfeit; 125: N. Workman won by forfeit; 130: Emmert won by forfeit; 135: Stokes pinned Tyree in :32; 140: Zurcher pinned Witman in :12; 145: Temple pinned Leppin; 152: Lambert won by forfeit; 160: McCubbins was pinned by Sanders in 5:10; 171: Helfrich dec. Reves 26-11; 189: Vassar pinned Hatch in 1:12; 215: Brewer won by forfeit; Hwt.: Cooley won by forfeit.
