LBCC hosts Valley Writers Series

The Valley Writers Series at Linn-Benton Community College kicks off with an open reading titled Loving Literature, on Monday, February 14 from noon to 1 p.m. in the LBCC Student Union Coffee House. Join us as we commemorate Valentine’s Day by reading favorite poems or short stories celebrating the art of loving.

Second in the series is Writing for a Living, a panel discussion, on Wednesday, February 16 from 11 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. in the LBCC Board rooms, College Center CC-103. Learn from the collective wisdom of three local technical writers, Evelyn Lee, Carl English-Young, and Marcia Chapman.

Lee has a Maters of Science in ecology and several years of experience working for a local technical writing and translation company.

Currently, she is an independent contractor providing full documentation services for a variety of mostly high tech firms.

English-Young is a Sales Process Manager at CH2M HILL, a global project delivery firm in Corvallis. He collaborates with teams of engineers and proposal production specialists to respond to client requests for proposals, identify the best sales messages, and collect the right information and shape it into persuasive proposals.

Chapman founded Datawrite, a technical writing and editing service, in 1985. Since then, she has created technical manuals for robotic systems, as well as for electronic and mechanical products. Clients have included Intelledex, Hewlett-Packard, ATS Systems Oregon, and Marler Enterprises, Inc. She co-founded the Mid-Valley Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication in 1986.

Join these three dynamic individuals as they bring their knowledge and experience in the technical writing field to the table.

Last in the series is poet Maxine Scates with a reading and discussion of her works on Thursday, March 3 from 1 to 2:20 p.m. in the LBCC Board rooms, College Center CC-103.

Scates is the author of Black Loam, which received the Lyre Prize and will be published in February 2005 and Toluca Street (University of Pittsburgh Press), which received the Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize and the Oregon Book Award for Poetry. Her poems, essays and reviews have appeared widely.

She is co-editor, with David Trinidad, of Holding Our Own: The Selected Poems of Ann Stanford published by Copper Canyon Press.

Scates has been the recipient of fellowships in poetry from MacDowell Colony, Caldera, the Oregon Arts Commission, and Literary Arts, Inc.; she has also received a fellowship in literary nonfiction from Literary Arts, Inc.

Scates was poetry editor of Northwest Review and has taught poetry and writing throughout the state of Oregon in the Artists-in-the-Schools Program, at Northwest Writing Institute, The Mountain Writers Center and at Lane Community College.

Scates has also been Writer-in-Residence at Lewis and Clark College and Reed College. Currently, she teaches privately. Originally from Los Angeles, she has lived in Eugene since 1973.

The Valley Writers Series is sponsored by LBCC’s English Department and the Student Programming Board. For more information or if you need disability accommodation to attend, contact the LBCC English Department at 917-4530.
