Library League offering drawing for free cards

In an effort to bring people who haven’t had borrowing rights into Linn County’s public libraries, the Linn Library League is holding a drawing for free library cards.

Linn County residents who live outside the limits of any city with library service and who haven’t had library cards before can enter the drawing for a free one-year family card at the public library of their choice in Albany, Lebanon, Sweet Home, Harrisburg, or Scio. Entry forms are available at all of these libraries and on the Linn Library League bookmobile. The forms will also be printed in several local newspapers during the week of July 20.

“For people who live outside of the city limits, a library card costs as must as $60 per year,” said Linda Ziedrich, who is co-coordinator, with May Garland, of the Linn Library League. “This is enough to keep many families from using the libraries at all. When you bring kids into a library, they naturally want to take home books.”

Completed entry forms should be left at a participating library or mailed to the Linn Library League, P.O. Box 37, Scio, Oregon 97374. Entries must be received by August 15.

One hundred winning entries will be drawn. Winners will be notified by mail the week of August 22.

The Linn Library League and its free cards program, as well as the League’s bookmobile and rural summer reading program, are supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Library Services and Technology Act, adminstered by the Oregon State Library.

More information about the League and its projects is available on the League’s Web site, .
