Elizabeth Andersen and Jeff Stratman were named the most valuable players on their water polo teams.
Jon Lemar and Justine Calhoon were named Most Improved.
Andersen kept the Husky girls in many games just by the sheer number of saves she made in so many games. The biggest game was 22 saves in a win against South Salem.
Her contribution to the team went far beyond her work at goalie, Coach Adam Lloyd said. She also has excellent leadership skills and knows the game. One of the roles of a goalie is to watch the field, player positions and keep up on what’s going on.
The decision for MVP was difficult on both sides, Coach Lloyd said. On the girls team, senior Krystle Streight could easily have earned the award.
Stratman “just really led our offense,” Coach Lloyd said. The team didn’t track steals and assists, but if it did, he is certain Stratman would have led assists and probably steals too.
Stratman’s work in the hole position was critical to the boys offense.
“He was just invaluable this year as far as leading our team,” Coach Lloyd said. He also helped Coach Lloyd, who hadn’t played water polo in 10 years. Stratman and others kept Coach Lloyd updated on newer offenses.
“The season, overall, for both teams went very well,” Coach Lloyd said, especially since the Huskies are one of only two 3A schools participating in 4A leagues. The other is Cottage Grove.
“For us as a small school to get in there and be competitive with those teams, I think is great,” Coach Lloyd said. Both girls and boys were seeded fifth going into league playoffs. They improved that standing to fourth.
Coach Lloyd is especially proud of the improvements made on the girls team, he said. That was a huge step this year. The team will lose only two, Andersen and Streight, of its nine players next year. He is already hearing from eighth graders talking about playing next year.
The boys lose three of seven players, including Stratman, Larry Coulter and Alex Wilson, and Coach Lloyd is hoping to get some eighth graders out to help fill out the team.
He is also talking to high school students who are excited about the team next few years and thinking about going out for the team.
Earning first year letters were Alice Davis, Jessica Mengore, Dani Birky, Justine Calhoon, Marissa Lehman, Jon Lemar, Shawn Adams and Ian Parks.
Nichol Martin was the only second-year letterman.
James Davis, Liz Andersen, Krystle Streight and Larry Coulter earned their third letters.
Stratman earned his fourth letter.