
Local nursing students eligible to apply for Easton Scholarship

The Lebanon Community Hospital Foundation is now accepting applications for the Rachel Easton, RN Nursing Scholarship.

College students from east Linn County, who are accepted into a nursing program, are eligible.

The deadline to apply for the $1,000 scholarship is April 30. Winners will be announced by June 1.

The scholarship is named for Rachel Easton, who was a longtime nurse at the Samaritan Park Street Clinic in Lebanon.

All applicants must submit an official transcript including Fall 2010 grades, a one- or two-page typed statement discussing why you are pursuing a nursing degree and listing your goals; a completed application form and a Cost and Resource Estimate Work Sheet; any special circumstances you might like the Easton Scholarship Committee to consider; and a signed and dated letter of recommendation from someone who knows you well.

For more information, or to obtain an application, call the foundation at (541) 451-6303.

The application is also available on-line at http://www.samhealth.org under the Education link.
