
Mallard Creek Men’s Club golf tournament scores

The Mallard Creek Men’s Club invites you to participate in its annual Two-Man Chapman Tournament at Mallard Creek Golf Course. Tee Times will begin at 8:30 a.m. Thes tournament is limited to men’s club membersy. Complimentary donuts and coffee will be served the morning of the event.

Sign-ups for this tournament will be available in the Mallard Creek Pro-Shop.

Mallard Creek Men’s Club

Opener Tournament Results

(March 31)

(56 players)

1st Gross Score (59) the team of; T. Horn, O. Elliott, K. Morgan

2nd Gross Score (60) the team of; J. King, L. Pete, R. Shimmin, B. Harrington

3rd Gross Score (61) the team of; G. Smith, S. Cooper, D. Larsen, S. Herron

1st Net Score (53.1) the team of; C. Middleton, D. Bertucci, T. Martin, D. Starr

2nd Net Score (54.6) the team of; E. Frazier, R. Moore, D. Chaput, P. Mickelberry

3rd Net Score (55.1) the team of; K. Fuller, P. Howery, M. Gangle, D. Scheele

KP’s; #3, B. Barish. #7, D. Chaput. #13, K. Fuller. #15, R. Shimmin

The Mallard Creek Men’s Club

Two-Man Best Ball Tournament (April 22)

(44 players)

Flight (1)

1st Gross Score (66) the team of; T. Horn, G. Gustafson

2nd Gross Score (69) the team of; D. Abresch, C. Primasing

1st Net Score (61) the team of; B. Waller, S. Waller

2nd Net Score (63 tie) the team of; K. Fuller, S. Cooper

2nd Net Score (63 tie) the team of; H. Smith, E. Tuma

KP’s; #3, J. Ongers. #7, K. Fuller. #13, T. Price. #15, L. Pete

Flight (2)

1st Gross Score (74) the team of; L. Dickey, C. Campbell

2nd Gross Score (76) the team of; J. Ongers, W. Thornton

1st Net Score (59) the team of; D. Bertucci, L. Richards

2nd Net Score (61 tie) the team of; A. Quine, K. Walter

2nd Net Score (61 tie) the team of; K. Gilmore, K. Morgan
