
Mike Aerni soccer MVP

Mike Aerni was named most valuable player for the Husky soccer team during a dessert held Thursday night.

Mark Lewis received the hustle award. Best defense went to Bryce Beard. Best offense went to Steven Covey and most improved was Tom Hall.

Coach Brett Bowers made a special award to Aerni and Covey. During the season, Coach Bowers and Assistant Coach Eric Stutzer selected an outstanding player in practice or in games. That person signed a soccer ball.

The player who had signed the ball the most would receive the ball at the end of the season. There was a tie between Covey and Aernie, so Coach Bowers awarded both with new soccer balls and had both ball signed by teammates.

The soccer team didn’t win any games this year, but “one thing I tried to instill in the players and myself as they year went on, six to 10 years from now,” when Sweet Home has a winning season, it can be attributed directly to the players this year.

To build a successful soccer season requires hard work over time, Coach Bowers said.

At the junior varsity level, Coach Eric Markell and Christy Helfrich had six boys and five girls in a coed team, often losing one or two to varsity games and running undermanned against full teams of boys. Some JV players had never played soccer.

The JV team’s best game was a tie.

“Throughout the season, nobody got their heads down,” Coach Markell said.

MVP went to Becky (?). Best defense went to Sebastian Strickler. Best offense went to John (?). Most improved went to Laura Munoz. Cindy Gourley received the sportsmanship award.
