The following waterbodies are scheduled to be stocked this week: Breitenbush River , Clear Lake , Leaburg Lake, McKenzie River Upper, Quartsville Creek, Santiam River North Fork, and Trail Bridge Reservoir.
BIG CLIFF RESERVOIR: Was stocked last week.
CLACKAMAS RIVER: A newly adopted temporary rule allows anglers to retain one additional adipose fin-clipped steelhead within the normal daily bag limit in the Clackamas River from the mouth upstream to North Fork Dam through Nov. 23, 2004. Spring chinook angling has been fair from McIver Park and Rivermill downstream to the Gladstone area. The water has warmed up somewhat which tends to put the fish off the bite. It also gets them moving and as a result good numbers of fish are still swimming into the Clackamas Hatchery on a daily basis. Angling effort has been light for both bank and boat anglers, leaving plenty of fishing space on the river. The low, warm water could be partially responsible for the light effort. Keep this in mind if you do not know the river well. Shallow conditions can lead to safety problems, or at least equipment damage. Early mornings have proven to be the best time for anglers, since as the warm afternoons progress the recreational rafters take their place on the river.
Bank anglers will find the best angling opportunities in the Gladstone/Cross Park area, at High Rocks, Carver, Barton Park , up in McIver Park at Dog Creek, and Rivermill Dam. Reports of fair catches for both steelhead and chinook are being heard from anglers fishing below Cazadero Dam and the Faraday Powerhouse. Be well aware of angling deadlines in these areas. Expect the popular swimming spots to get crowded with the predicted warm weather. These would include High Rocks, Carver, and Barton. Boat anglers should find access to the river from boat ramps located at McIver Park , Feldheimers, Barton, Carver, Riverside , or Clackamette.
The Clackamas Hatchery continues to recycle summer steelhead to downstream locations. These fish are identifiable by a ?hole punch? in the gill plate. They are trapped at the hatchery then trucked down to the lower river and released, giving anglers an additional opportunity to catch them. So far this season the hatchery has seen the return of more than 4,000 spring chinook and over 2,000 steelhead.
Portland General Electric also recycles hatchery chinook and steelhead taken from their North Fork trapping facility. These fish can be identified by a ?hole punch? in the tail fin.
The water temperature at the Clackamas Hatchery has risen to 65 degrees. Flows have dropped but the river is still very fishable. Reports say there are many fish spread throughout the river, all the way down to Gladstone .
DETROIT RESERVOIR: Detroit Lake is at full pool. Fish are plentiful, but moving deeper as the surface water warms.
E.E. WILSON POND recently was stocked with a few rainbow brood trout. Angling is allowed only with a free, self-service permit, available at the E.E. Wilson Pond check station.
FOSTER RESERVOIR: Angling pressure has decreased, but fair numbers of trout are still being caught. Boats trolling at about 30 feet have been doing well.
GREEN PETER RESERVOIR: Kokanee fishing remains good for fish that average about 10 inches. Though a little smaller this year than usual, there are lots of fish and they are in good shape. As surface water warms, the fish will be moving a little deeper. Rainbow trout also continue to be caught in fair numbers.
HIGH LAKES: There are many lakes available in the area for day use or overnight camping that require only a short hike in to them. These lakes have been aerial stocked and provide an angling experience unlike the more crowded, close-in waters. Bank fishing or float-tubes are the way to fish on these small mountain lakes. Maps should be available at the local U.S. Forest Service office. Make sure to inquire about camp fire regulations as we get further into the fire season.
SANDY RIVER: A newly adopted temporary rule allows anglers to retain one additional adipose fin-clipped steelhead within the normal daily bag limit in the Sandy River from the mouth upstream to Marmot Dam through Nov. 23, 2004. Spring chinook fishing has slowed down some as the river warms and water levels drop. The river is now running low and clear with a temperature at the hatchery of 61 degrees. Watch for the river to possibly turn color if the warm weather brings with it the glacial melt. Spring chinook can still be found in some of the deeper holes but getting them to bite is more of a challenge. Spinners are probably the best bet right now. There are good numbers of chinook in the river below Marmot Dam but angling has been fair. Steelhead angling continues to be the more successful choice with many bright summer fish still in the river. Steelhead anglers will have the best success near the Dodge Park area and Cedar Creek.
Collection/recycling receptacles for discarded or lost fishing gear have recently been placed at boat ramps along the Sandy River . Any tangled fishing line or old gear found can be collected and disposed of in these canisters as an aid in efforts to maintain a healthy, clean Sandy River . Look for them near boat ramps at Lewis and Clark , Dabney, and Oxbow parks. There is also one in Dodge Park . Additional sites will be added soon.
SANTIAM RIVER, NORTH: Most angling pressure is occurring from Mehama upstream where success has been spotty. Fair numbers of steelhead are being taken and fewer chinook. Lots of fish are in the river, including downstream of Mehama.
SANTIAM RIVER, SOUTH: The South Santiam anglers are doing well on summer steelhead and fair on spring chinook in the upper reaches of the river. Pressure and success have dropped off lower in the system.
SAUVIE ISLAND: The Gilbert River Boat Ramp and Disabled Person Fishing Dock as well as the Columbia River beaches are open.
WALTER WIRTH LAKE ( Salem ): Still holds some trout, as well as bass and sunfish, which should provide good opportunity for anglers.
WILLAMETTE RIVER: The Willamette flows are settling into the typical summer time pattern. The flows as of Monday were running steady at 7,400 cfs, the water temperature was 70 degrees, and the visibility was 5.4 feet. Spring chinook passage has slowed down recently at the Willamette Falls Fishway. This should be expected for mid-July. Continuing passage numbers will be adding on to record numbers of chinook that have already passed through the ladder. The cumulative count through June 28th for spring chinook was 92,733 adults. For summer steelhead the counts continue to be very strong. Cumulative passage through June 28th totaled 28,047. Although not a record, this steelhead number is one of the better counts in recent years.
Salmon angling effort has dropped off considerably in most of the river with a scattering of boats in the St. Johns area, and in Oregon City . There were reports of a few Spring Chinook caught last week in parts of the Multnomah Channel from Coon Island up to the head of the channel near the power lines. Additionally, some catch has taken place in the Oregon City area near the falls. Bank anglers at Meldrum Bar continued to have fair success angling for fish moving up into the Clackamas River . The Willamette is nearing the end of the Spring Chinook season.
Sturgeon angling has been fair throughout the river with the Oregon City/Milwaukie area and the St. Johns area producing some catch. Please make note of the current angling regulation changes on the Willamette before going sturgeon fishing.
Sauvie Island
All public access areas on the Wildlife Area are now open. The gate at Rentenaar Road and the Eastside levee is now open, but will be closed when the road is muddy. Legal trout have been stocked in Haldeman Pond on Oak Island . The beach gate at Willow Bar is now closed. Sauvie Island Wildlife Area Parking Permits are required at all sites.
The first bald eagle chick has been observed and young waterfowl are staring to be observed in wetlands on the Wildlife Area. The best opportunity to view waterfowl is Coon Point, Eastside Viewing Platform and along Rentenaar Road . Bird watching is excellent with spring migrants and summer residents arriving.
Southern and Mid-Willamette Valley:
Osprey populations in the mid 1900’s were considered “one of the rarest hawks in Oregon “. This species has made a dramatic recovery that was aided by several factors including: 1) Ban on DDT pesticide in 1972 when evidence was developed that DDT was causing egg shell thinning and reproductive failure in osprey and other raptors. 2) Creation of favorable habitat by construction of the Willamette watershed reservoirs. 3) A more enlightened public attitude about birds of prey that resulted in a reduction of shooting. 4) The adaptability of Ospreys that allows them to tolerate human disturbance and use artificial structures like power poles and bridges for nesting. Use of man made structures in the Willamette Valley was first observed in 1977 and is now very common. Osprey have young in their nests at this time of year. Osprey nests are very visible because of their large size and the bird’s tendency to locate them in the top of trees or poles where they have the best view. Several nests can be seen at the south end of Fern Ridge Reservoir from highway 126. Other nests can be located along all of our major rivers. Two very obvious nests are on the Harrison St bridge over the Willamette River in Corvallis and on the Hwy 22 bridge in Salem . Several nests can be seen on power pole platforms on the east side of the Buena Vista ferry crossing near the Ankeny Wildlife Refuge.