Planning commission hears Country Star info

Planning Commission to hold revocation hearing on RV park if work not complete

The Sweet Home Planning Commission scheduled a public hearing to consider the revocation of Country Star RV Park’s conditional use permit and recommended Monday night that the City Council direct a citation be issued to the owners for failing to meet a deadline for a condition on the permit.

The Planning Commission considered whether to schedule the revocation hearing Monday night during its regular meeting. Country Star, which was sold by Dorothy Lyon in February to Mike and Cherri Aiken.

Last year, the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals upheld the City Council’s decision during an earlier revocation hearing to extend conditional use permit deadlines to July 1. The new owners failed to complete required restroom facilities on time.

KOA owner Jeri Reynolds appealed the council’s decision to LUBA.

The new owners obtained the building permit required by the conditional use permit on June 22 and have started construction.

The work should be completed by July 20, City Planner Carol Lewis said.

Planning Commissioner Rich Rowley moved to set the revocation hearing in case the work was not completed, including a provision for failing to meet the requirement on time, the recommendation that the council cite Country Star.

Should the work be completed by the time of the hearing in September, then the hearing would become moot, Rowley said.

The subject was set to appear before council Tuesday night, but the results of that discussion were unavailable at press time. The council can consider citing Country Star for violating ordinance or as a nuisance.
