
Public Safety Log May 7, 2014

May 4

1:32 a.m. – Kyle Christian Esquiro, 29, cited for failure to obey traffic control device.

11:53 a.m. – Caller reported a mini bike was stolen from his yard, 1530 Tamarack St., Mountain Shadows Mobile Home Park. Report taken. Bike valued at $200.

1:30 p.m. – Caller reported a woman selling magazines door to door without a peddler’s license, 4600 block of Long. Officer contacted female and advised her of city ordinance. She said she would advise the remainder of her group, and they would leave town.

May 3

11:23 a.m. – Caller reported that his daughter’s bike was stolen, 900 block of Cedar. Report taken. Bike valued at $130.

3:34 p.m. – Michell Dawn Slay, 26, arrested for second-degree disorderly conduct, 2000 block of Long. Transported to Linn County Jail for probation violation. Callers had reported a fight among several subjects.

4:10 p.m. – Robin David Fox, 24, arrested on Sweet Home warrant for failure to comply on original charge of second-degree disorderly conduct, 1160 24th Ave. Cited and released.

May 2

1:24 a.m. – Jesse Lane Davis, 19, cited and released in field for third-degree theft in connection to a theft report from Safeway, 12th and Main.

10:15 a.m. – Caller reported that his daughter’s vehicle was hit, 1641 Long St., Sweet Home High School. Parties exchanged information. Damage was less than $1,500. Investigation continuing.

10:44 a.m. – Caller reported tall weeds, 100 block of Hawthorne.

1:30 p.m. – Gary Gean Townsend, 32, arrested on Benton County warrant for failure to appear on original charge of second-degree theft, 1500 block of Tamarack.

5:30 p.m. – Caller reported finding a wallet next to the sidewalk, 19th and Main. Placed in found property.

6:28 p.m. – Allen Pitts, 25, arrested on Sweet Home warrant for failure to comply on original charge of harassment, Lebanon. Transported to Linn County Jail.

7:21 p.m. – Janelle Renea Arms cited for driving while suspended and driving uninsured in two-vehicle crash, 2000 block of Main.

May 1

12:18 p.m. – James Adell Brown, 36, arrested on Linn County warrant for failure to appear on original charge of possession of meth and also charged possession of marijuana and possession of a concealed weapon, 1001 Fifth Ave. Transported to Linn County Jail.

7:16 a.m. – Caller reported a transient tent set up at Sankey Park above Ames Creek. Officer contacted a male and female subject and told them they cannot camp there. They packed their things to move.

10:38 a.m. – Caller reported a male sleeping in the doorway on the alley side, 1200 block of Main. Officer contacted subject and told him to move on.

11:30 a.m. – Linda Ann Armstrong, 38, arrested for contempt, 1140 12th Ave., Sweet Home Municipal Court. Transported to Linn County Jail.

11:33 a.m. – Caller reported dogs barking constantly, 1530 Tamarack St., Mountain Shadows Mobile Home Park. Referred to code enforcement officer.

1:32 p.m. – Caller reported the theft of copper wire and damage to a power transformer, 3800 block of Green River. Report taken.

1:58 p.m. – Caller reported more than four dogs at one location, 1530 Tamarack St., Mountain Shadows Mobile Home Park. Referred to code enforcement officer.

2 p.m. – Caller reported an electric fence, 1530 Tamarack St., Mountain Shadows Mobile Home Park. Referred to code enforcement.

2:29 p.m. – Cindi Marie Gibson, 45, cited and released in field on Sweet Home warrant for failure to comply on original charge of harassment, 1140 12th Ave., Sweet Home Municipal Court.

3:08 p.m. – Caller reported the theft of $20 in items, 1540 Main St., Safeway.

3:13 p.m. – Caller reported people are dumping garbage in the alley by her residence, 1300 block of 13th. Referred to code enforcement officer.

3:16 p.m. – Caller reported tall grass, 1100 block of 28th. Referred to code enforcement.

3:48 p.m. – Richard Franklin Burnside Jr., 23, arrested on Sweet Home warrant for failure to comply on original charge of third-degree theft, Morrow County. Cited and released.

3:54 p.m. – Caller reported multiple code violations, 300 block of West Pine. Referred to code enforcement officer.

4:01 p.m. – David James Kamarec, 18, cited for minor in possession of alcohol and alcohol in a park, Sankey Park.

4:25 p.m. – Caller reported being gone a couple days then returning to find her bedroom window had been broken, 700 block of Birch. Report taken.

4:47 p.m. – Amanda Rae Stafford, 38, arrested for second-degree disorderly conduct, 1250 Nandina St. Cited and released. Caller had reported a female punching people.

5:30 p.m. – Matthew Charles Nill, 30, arrested for second-degree disorderly conduct, 877 14th Ave. Cited and released. Caller had reported two males fighting in the parking lot at Sankey Park.

10:17 p.m. – John Mark Taylor, 34, arrested on Sweet Home warrant for failure to appear on original charge of third-degree theft, 1300 block of Main. Cited and released.

April 30

2:44 p.m. – Caller reported tires and trash dumped at the end of Kalmia, 1800 block of Kalmia. Referred to code enforcement officer.

4:48 p.m. – Caller reported a large tree leaning toward the roof, 900 block of Long. Referred to code enforcement officer.

4:52 p.m. – Caller reported people living in a trailer, 1000 block of 13th. Referred to code enforcement officer.

6:22 p.m. – Caller reported a female walked out of the store without paying for a sandwich and a drink, 1540 Main St., Safeway. Report taken. Stolen items valued at $5.18.

11:48 p.m. – Corey Brandon Ford, 23, cited for driving while suspended, south of Ironwood.

April 29

7:34 a.m. – Caller reported that she yelled at a male to wake up, and he hit her on the back of the head and choked her, 1500 block of 12th. Report taken for strangulation and domestic violence.

10:52 a.m. – Louis Anthony Carrerio, 50, cited and released in field for third-degree theft, 2000 block of Main.

12:37 p.m. – Caller reported a male came into her yard and took a large sack of pop cans, 1300 block of 43rd. Report taken. About $8 worth of cans stolen.

12:45 p.m. – Caller reported a truck with an excavator on the back snapped a power line that crossed the roadway causing it to swing into caller’s vehicle, Main and Clark Mill. Investigation continuing. Total damage less than $1,500.

12:55 p.m. – Caller reported someone entered the business during the night and opened the safe, 1280 10th Ave., Subway. Report taken.

1:33 p.m. – Caller reported people living in an RV, 300 block of West Pine. Referred to code enforcement officer.

2:56 p.m. – Caller reported a motor home parked on the street for more than a week, 900 block of Fourth. Referred to code enforcement officer.

3:10 p.m. – Caller reported a pickup truck has been left on the street for a prolonged period, 800 block of Seventh. Referred to code enforcement officer.

3:39 p.m. – Caller reported improper posting of a moving sale, 900 block of Fourth. Referred to code enforcement.

4:34 p.m. – James Eugene Richards, 20, arrested on Sweet Home warrant for failure to comply on original charge of third-degree theft, 4194 Osage St.

April 28

4:21 p.m. – Caller reported finding a shoplifter on video, 610 Main St., Dan Dee Sales. Report taken. Loss valued at $6.

4:58 p.m. – Caller reported a bad odor he believes is coming from the sewer, 3224 Main St., South Fork Mobile Home Park. Referred to code enforcement officer.

5:14 p.m. – Caller reported a transient sits at the end of the driveway every day and would like him to move on, 700 block of Main. Officer responded. Male packing up and moving on.

6:40 p.m. – Caller reported someone left without paying for $20 in fuel, 890 Main St., Main Street Market. Information noted.

6:43 p.m. – Caller reported that someone broke into her residence and broke her belongings, 4900 block of Locust. Officer responded.

9:35 p.m. – Caller reported a juvenile stole $3 worth of items from the store, 621 Main St., Thriftway. Juvenile trespassed from the store and released to a family friend, who is taking care of him. No charges.

9:47 p.m. – Caller reported what appeared to be a body wrapped up and sitting upright behind a green van, 900 block of 28th. Officer responded to find a mannequin that was part of a business and placed there because there was no room in the carport. Owner moved the mannequin. Caller advised.

April 24

1:32 p.m. – Caller reported that she cannot file her taxes because someone has already used her Social Security number to file taxes, 27100 block of High Deck. Report taken.

April 23

7:03 p.m. – Caller reported someone stole about $60 worth of food, 26900 block of Old Holley, Fair Share Gleaners.
