
Regulated-use restrictions begin in Sweet Home area

Beginning Tuesday, June 23, the Oregon Department of Forestry will increase restrictions on forest activities in the Western Lane and South Cascade Districts, which includes the Sweet Home Unit, due to rising fire danger.

The “regulated-use” closure specifically aims to reduce the chance of wildfires starting from public activities in forested areas.

“Fire danger is trending much higher than normal and is either setting or close to setting records,” South Cascade District Forester Greg Wagenblast said. “Large fuels are very dry for this time of the season and the grasses are curing (drying) out.”

He noted that all wildland fuels – including grasses, woody debris and vegetation – are susceptible to ignite and carry fire under current conditions.

The tightened restrictions ban the following activities:

– Smoking in the forest except in closed vehicles;

– Campfires outside of designated campgrounds;

– All open fires;

– Use of motorized vehicles except on improved roads;

– Use of any fireworks and the use of chainsaws; and

– Mowing of tall dead or cured grass between the hours of 1 p.m. and 8 p.m.

The regulated-use closure also requires forest users to carry a shovel with a 26-inch handle and an 8-inch blade and either 1 gallon of water or a 2½-pound ABC-rated fire extinguisher.

Western Lane and South Cascade declared fire season June 16. That declaration primarily affects forest operations, such as logging sites, by requiring firefighting equipment on site and the use of precautionary measures against fire.

The Regulated-Use closure taking effect June 23 extends restrictions and preventative measures to the public on all private forestlands in Lane County and eastern Linn County.

Link Smith, Western Lane District Forester, noted that the National Weather Service has forecast very hot weather starting mid-week.

“That will dry out fuels and increase fire danger even more,” he said. “So we’re asking for the public’s assistance with fire prevention and fire safety.”

The district foresters said complying with regulated use is one way the public can help protect their communities and the natural resources of the state.

For more information about regulated use or fire season, contact the Sweet Home Unit at (541) 367-6108.
