
Rotary, volunteers brighten holiday with new lights

Many hands came together to create new Christmas lighting decorations for downtown Sweet Home, thanks to the Rotary Club and other volunteers.

Mary Betts, who headed up the project, said students at Sweet Home High School’s metals class, created the metal forms for 20 new decorations.

SHHS graduates at Marler Enterprises Inc. in Albany, donated the powder coating that gave the lights a long lease on life. Ron Moore hauled the pieces to and from the MEI plant.

Young people from the LDS church youth group helped put together five of the lighting units and Patty Gourley’s staff at Pacific Crest Electric put the lights and wiring together.

Larry Blem of Cascade Timber Consulting put together a crew to put the lights on their stands.

“We have 20 stars created but we only had time to put up 11,” Mrs. Betts said. “Our goal is to put together 50 units and to eventually replace all of the old lights and have everything uniform throughout town.”
