
Senior Center monthly calendar

‘Stitches in Bloom’ Oregon Silver Gardens Quilt Show Trip: 9:30 a.m. Friday, Jan. 22, starting at the Senior Center.

The Stitches in Bloom Quilt show will feature more than 150 beautiful quilts, vendors, selling quilting wares, and demonstrations by quilting vendors. Entrance to the quilt show will also pay for the entrance into the garden.

Lunch items will be available for purchase on site at your leisure. For more information visit http://www.oregongarden.org

Sign up at the Senior Center front desk. Trip fee is $15.

The Writer Stuff: Fridays from 10 a.m. to noon at the Senior Center.

Participation in this group is open to anyone with an interest in sharing stories through writing. This is not a “secret” club, but rather a group to encourage people to write about the memories we hold, and recall the ones underneath all the recent ones, as others share their stories as well.

Participation costs $1 each Friday. A book of participants’ stories is on the table in the Senior Center lobby for others to enjoy.

Free Senior Legal Advice: Local attorneys Stacey Mealer and John Wittwer will visit the Senior Center during January provide free consultations to seniors.

Stacey will be here on Wednesday, Jan. 6, and John will be here Jan. 20.

Areas of focus: wills, trusts and estate plans, powers of attorney, advance directives, probates, small estates and trust administration, long term care planning, Medicaid and asset planning.

For more information about specific times they will be available, or to sign up, stop by the Senior Center front desk.

Cribbage Group: Fridays at the Senior Center at 1p.m. Join in on the fun game of Cribbage. Anyone is welcome.

Computers with Internet access: Seniors are welcome to take advantage of our Internet accessibility in our computer room during lobby hours, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., with the purchase of a Senior Center membership of $12 a year.

Introduction to Computers Class is held every other Monday. Sign up at the Senior Center’s front desk.

If you would rather have one-on-one lessons, ask at our front desk to arrange times.

Woodcarving: Thursdays at 10 a.m. Woodcarvers gather at the Center to work on their personal woodcarving projects. Some are working on detailed walking sticks, angels, birds, houses, and other pieces, with each project symbolizing the carver’s personality. Some participants have years of experience, and others newly interested in the hobby, but the time and heart put into their masterpieces can be seen immediately.

Though woodcarving takes time and practice to master, this is a friendly group and if you enjoy woodcarving or are interested in the art, or simply would like to get to know other carvers, stop by!

Bridge: If you are interested in learning how to play bridge and would like to spend Monday afternoons with a great group of people, sharing great treats, come by the front desk for information on whom to contact, or call the Senior Center’s office.

Last month’s high scores were :

Bill: 5180, 3790

Louise: 4250

Pat: 4090, 3830

Jacks and Queens Pinochle: 5:30 p.m. Tuesdays. Come join this pinochle group for an evening of fun! If your birthday is in January, you get one free play. The group meets each Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. in the East Dining Room of the Senior Center for a potluck supper. Play starts at 6 p.m.

Foot Care: Keeping your feet healthy is very important. Foot care is available at the Sweet Home Senior Center twice a month, on Wednesdays from Harriette Wingren. Regular maintenance will help keep your feet healthy and prevent complications that may arise from neglect of care or incorrect nail cutting.

Call the Senior Center to schedule an appointment!

Hearing Checks: Every Wednesday at noon. A hearing specialist will be at the center weekly for hearing tests or to answer any questions. Arnie Goodman and Sam Matheny will be here on alternate Wednesdays.
