Student leaders at Sweet Home High School preparing to crown a May Week court Monday, April 28 at a 10:14 a.m. assembly.
“May Week is a major event at Sweet Home High School,” adviser Steve Hummer said. “If you ask any alumnus what they remember about their days at SHHS, they almost always say May Week.”
This year’s activities will be tied into a statewide Back to School week effort that invites parents and others back into the classroom.
“We’re inviting people to come to any or all of the activities and to also get into the classrooms sometime during the week,” Hummer said. “We only ask that people register at the main office.”
This year’s activities are being coordinated by the student leadership class.
The May Week schedule of activities will include:
Monday, April 28: Assembly: 10:14-10:45. Noon activity: “Busted”. Dress up theme: Green Day. Talent show: 7 p.m., SHHS auditorium.
Tuesday, April 29: Noon activity: Wheel Barrow Race. Dress up theme: Tie Day.
Wednesday, April 30: Noon activity: Relay Race. Dress up theme: Gym clothes day.
Thursday, May 1: Noon activity: Body Parts. Dress up theme: Sandals Day.
Friday, May 2: Noon activity: Ankle Balloon pop. Track meet: 1:30-3 p.m.. Dance: 8-10 p.m. Dress up theme: Class Name Day.