Sounds of Christmas will be 22nd parade theme Dec. 2

The 22nd annual Chamber of Commerce Ambassador’s Parade will be held December 2 at 11 a.m. The Ambassadors, a branch of the Chamber, invites you or your group to participate.

This year’s theme is “The Sounds of Christmas”. Registration will be at 18th and Long Streets under the direction of parade master Ozzie Shaw. Registration begins at 10 a.m. Judging will take place at the same time with ribbons awarded for first and second places in each of seven categories.

There will also be a Sweepstakes Trophy awarded to the entry that best carries out the them “The Sounds of Christmas.”

The parade route will follow Long Street west to 10th Avenue, turn right on 10th to Main and east on Main to 18th where we will disband.

Parade divisions include commercial, non-commercial community group (senior), non-commercial (juniors), school/church organizations, marching units/band, horses and other animals, classic car.

Entry forms can be obtained at the Chamber office, 1575 Main. Entry deadline is November 28.

Note: The Ambassadors reserve the right to have the only entry with a Santa Claus to keep from confusing youngsters. Santa’s float will be the last entry in the parade and will stop at the Chamber office after the parade to meet and greet children and others.
