Students from the Construction Technology Class at SHHS made quick work of laying hundreds of bricks to form a new veterans memorial in the beauty strip in front of Hoy’s Hardware last week.
Under the direction of instructor Ben Dahlenburg and the vision of Corky Lowen, students dug dirt, formed patterns, shoveled sand and layed bricks to form six bricked areas to represent service men and women who fought in Desert Storm, Vietnam, Korea, World War II, World War I and Iraq.
Project coordinator Corky Lowen said the names of veterans, living or deceased, will be placed on bricks.
“This is a project of the Sweet Home beautification committee,” Lowen said. “The money was raised by local independent truckers and logging companies. More than one-third of the bricks were donated by Western Interlock of Rickreal.”
Lowen said families interested in honoring a loved one can do so through the beautification committee by calling 367-2356.”
More than 1,000 flower bulbs have been planted at the stie as have seven trees.
“The students are a big part of this memorial project,” Lowen praised. This is hard work, preparing the site for the sontes, from pulling weekds to loading up the extra dirt. The beautification committee is very grateful for their help.”
Persons who would like to order an inscribed brick will be asked to fill out an order form seeking their name, address and phone number plus the inscription of the loved one. Name, unit of military and dates served. (Up to three lines). Cost is $19.95.
If a brick is to include a three line message plus the military unit insignia of the person being honored, cost is $24.95.
SHHS students who assisted with the project were Kyle Aubert, Aaron Badgett, William Daniel, Joshua Davis, Daylan Devlin, Rex Dimick, Tony Erevia, Thomas Gourley, Jordan Holder, Jessie Jones, Colt McDaniel, Justin Ogbin, Joshua Parker, Christopher Phillips, Matthew Pitts, Chris Reed, Jordan Rice, Matthew Rowe, James Schunk, John Seibert, Michael Severns, Jeremy Stubblefield, Sean Swett, Camas Agee, Ashley Andersen, Jason Berg, Jared Brennan, Burton Burnside III, Timothy Clauson, Robert Eli, Jonathan Farris, Kyle Gazeley, Joshua Graham, Brett Hegge, Allen Hutson, Chris Kingsley, Aaron Lovik, Ian Lynn, Nickolas Reed, Zackary Reynolds, Chad Rider, Ryan Rikala, James Routon, Michael Rucker, David Schroeder, Brandon Tunnell.