
A Dozen Intersections Get Fitted with Stop Signs

Public Works employees began installing several new stop signs at 12 intersections throughout the city on Tuesday, July 23. The Public & Traffic Safety Committee has been addressing the topic of additional stop signs since last year, and proposed locations were discussed with and approved by City Council.

City Manager Kelcey Young said at a recent city meeting that the new signs not only improve traffic control but, more importantly, improve pedestrian safety. The locations with new signs are: Long Street & 23rd Avenue; Live Oak & 44th Avenue; Airport Road & 44th Avenue; Airport Road & 46th Avenue; Airport Road & 47th Avenue; Long Street & 47th Avenue; Mountain View & Elm Street; Long Street & 15th Avenue; Elm Street & 6th Avenue; Mountain View & 22nd Avenue; Long Street & Clark Mill Road; and Poplar Street & 54th Avenue.

A new traffic officer position was recently filled, which will help alleviate traffic violations within the city. By the end of the first day with the new signs, the police department reported the following traffic stops: six warnings for violating a posted speed limit; 34 warnings for failure to obey a traffic control device (stop sign); three warnings for other traffic violations; one citation for violating a posted speed limit (51/35); two citations for driving while suspended; one citation for failure to obey a traffic control device; and one citation for driving uninsured.
