Meals on Wheels weekly menu
Meals on Wheels offers take-out lunch at the Sweet Home Community Center to seniors over 60 at noon on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays.
The Senior Center serves a separate lunch on Wednesdays.
Suggested donation is $3.50. All meals are served with milk, coffee or tea upon request and diabetic desserts are available on request.
The menu on Friday, April 29, is Shoyu chicken with brown rice or vegetable lasagna spinach, marinated zucchini salad, glazed carrots and French bread.
The menu on Monday, May 2, is a chicken rice bake or macaroni and cheese Florentine, a Capri vegetable blend, a garden vegetable salad, a multigrain roll and gelatin with whipped topping.
The menu on Tuesday, May 3, is teriyaki chicken or kielbasa sausage, California mixed vegetables, confetti coleslaw, a hoagie bun and seasonal fresh fruit.
For more information, contact Norene at (541) 367-8843.
Livestock group to hold meeting
The Linn County Livestock Association will hold its spring dessert meeting at 6 p.m. Saturday, April 30, at Brownsville Baptist Church, 27910 Seven Mile Lane, Brownsville.
Brian Thomas will provide an update on the federal predator control program for Linn County and introduce the group’s new trapper. Other agenda items include updates on cameras and on predator issues.
Membership dues are $20, which includes a sign. More, however, are available for purchase.
For more information, send an email to [email protected] or call (541) 258-8263.
Jr. Sportsman’s Court applications
Applications are being accepted for the 2022 Sportsman’s Holiday Junior Court.
First-grade students who want to participate are encouraged to apply. One boy and one girl will be randomly drawn from each first-grade class in the Sweet Home School District.
Junior Court members will need to be available for events during the July 7-10 Sportsman’s Holiday: practices for Chips ’n’ Splinters; and a photo shoot session (TBA). Additional activities may be added to the schedule, which will be provided.
Parents must also be willing to contribute the cost to participate, which is $65. This will provide each child with a sash, outfit and shoes. Each participant will also receive a Sportsman’s Holiday keepsake.
Applications must be returned to the child’s teacher by May 2.
For more information, contact Karla Burcham at (541) 401-3339 or [email protected] or Kylie Armstrong at (541) 401-7089.
Parish mission series at St. Helen
St. Helen’s Catholic Church is hosting its special parish mission, “Prodigal Daughters, Prodigal Sons,” from Sunday through Thursday, May 1-5, at the church, 600 Sixth Ave., Sweet Home.
Friar Tony Stephens of the Fathers in Mercy will deliver talks from 7 to 8 p.m. during those evenings on such topics as “The Love of the Father,” “The Younger Son: Accepting Responsibility,” “The Elder Son: Burning Bridges,” “Why Confession?” and “Our Lady the Mother of Mercy.” Confessions will be available from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. each evening and again after each talk.
For more information, contact (541) 367-2530 or visit
Plant sale set in Eugene
The Lane County Master Gardener Association is holding its spring plant sale from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 30, at the Lane County Event Center, 796 W. 13th Ave., Eugene.
Admission is free.
For more information, visit the group’s Facebook page at or email [email protected].
Day of Prayer activities May 5
Sweet Home residents are invited to participate in National Day of Prayer activities that will take place throughout town Thursday, May 5.
Groups will gather for prayer as follows:
— 7 a.m. at School District headquarters, 1920 Long St.
— 10 a.m. at Chamber of Commerce, 1575 Main St.
— Noon at City Hall, 3225 Main St.
5 p.m. at Sweet Home Police Department, 1950 Main St/
Seven Oak to stage musical in May
Seven Oak Middle School Theatre Club will present Roald Dahl’s “Matilda The Musical JR” at 6:30 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, May 5-7, and at 2 p.m. on Saturday in the old gymnasium at Seven Oak Middle School, 550 Cascade Drive, Lebanon.
“Matilda The Musical JR” tells the story of an extraordinary girl who, armed with a vivid imagination and a sharp mind, dares to take a stand and change her own destiny. The story is adapted from the full-length musical which was based on the book by Roald Dahl, and features a book by Dennis Kelly and music and lyrics by Tim Minchin. The show opened on the West End in 2011 and made its Broadway premiere in 2013. The musical earned seven Olivier Awards, including “Best New Musical,” and five Tony awards, including The Tony for “Best Book of a Musical.”
Tickets are $7 for adults, and $5 for students and seniors. For more information, visit, or email [email protected].
Build Lebanon Trails hosting run
Build Lebanon Trails is hosting a run that can be done either virtually between May 1 and May 14 or in person on Saturday, May 7, at Cheadle Park.
This is a self-paced event over 5K or 10K distances, with free registration, though donations are accepted. Anyone interested in sponsoring the event can do so prior to April 22 at
Grab your walking shoes, running shoes, or bike. Enjoy the beauty of Lebanon’s growing system of public trails along waterways and in riparian areas along the South Santiam River, Cheadle Lake and the Albany/Lebanon Canal. All routes follow 8-to-12-foot-wide soft- and hard-surfaced trails with natural landscapes, wildlife, and walk bridges along the South Santiam River, Cheadle Lake and the Lebanon water canal system.
Visit raceId=15558 and register to run, walk or roll for the virtual 5k or 10k, then download one of the route maps. After finishing a route, go to your event at the site and register your time. Individual results will be added to the results leader board.
Finishers will receive a downloadable finish certificate.
You can sign up for as many events as you want on
Those who prefer to participate in person are invited to show up around 9 a.m. at Cheadle Park and run, walk, or bike either the 5k or 10k route. You time yourself and there will be some volunteers along the way to guide you along the route. Report your time on runsignup.
Gardening classes offered in Lebanon
Free gardening classes will be offered on second Tuesdays from May 10 to Oct. 11 at the Lebanon Senior Center, 80 Tangent St.
Sessions will be held at 10 a.m., beginning with a question-and-answer period followed by short lectures on gardening topics, as outlined below.
— May 10: “Basic Gardening Tips to Success.”
— June 14: “Organic Nutrients/Companion Planting.”
— July 12: “Planting a Winter Garden in July.”
— Aug. 9: “When to Harvest.”
— Sept. 13: “Cover Crops for Your Garden.”
— Oct. 11: “Planting/Harvesting Garlic, Onions and Shallots.”
Register for these classes buy emailing [email protected].
After 5 to host spring program
After 5 Connection is hosting a “Spring Flowers in the Air” program from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 10, at Ma’s Restaurant, 2416 S. Santiam Hwy., Lebanon.
Cora Brantner of Maple Valley, Wash., will serve as the event’s guest speaker. Brantner is a vocal soloist, a former Red Cross worker and an active community volunteer. She recently completed and published her mother’s biographical novel about her grandmother and is now working on its sequel. Garden club member and Master Gardener Linda Boyd will discuss garden tips and how to assemble a hanging basket. Soloist and Lebanon Community Choir member Brenda Ireland will provide special music.
Cost is $15, which includes everything. Credit cards cannot be accepted.
For reservations, contact Nancy at (541) 259-1306 or [email protected]. If unable to attend, please cancel your reservation.
Hospital group offers scholarships
The Lebanon Community Hospital Foundation is accepting applications for its scholarship programs for east Linn County students pursuing careers in health care.
Scholarships are available for medical, nursing and nursing education students as well as students enrolled in a Linn-Benton Community College health career program.
Deadline to apply is 5 p.m. Saturday, April 30. Scholarship recipients will be announced by June 1.
The following scholarships are available:
— The Frank Girod, MD, Medical Scholarship: This scholarship, for students enrolled in medical school, is named for the late Frank Girod, MD, a primary care physician who was instrumental in the establishment of Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital.
Applicants must submit an application, a written statement about their goals and any community service involvement, as well as a Cost and Resource Estimate Work Sheet.
— The Julietta A. Pape Scholarship Fund: For east Linn County students pursuing a medical degree at the College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific-Northwest in Lebanon or Oregon Health Science University in Portland.
The Julietta A. Pape Scholarship honors her lifetime contribution to education. Applicants must submit an application, a cover letter introducing themselves, what degree they are pursuing, why they are interested in a medical career and an official college transcript.
— The Rachel Easton, RN, Nursing Scholarship: This scholarship, for students enrolled in a nursing degree program, is named for Rachel Easton, a longtime nurse at Samaritan Park Street Clinic in Lebanon. Applicants must submit an official transcript including fall 2020 grades, a one- or two-page typed statement discussing why they are pursuing a nursing degree, a listing of their goals, a completed application form, a Cost and Resource Estimate Work Sheet, any special circumstances for the Easton Scholarship Committee to consider, plus a signed and dated letter of recommendation from someone who knows the applicant well.
— The John and Carol Dinges Medical Scholarship: For east Linn County students enrolled in an entry-level health care program at
Linn-Benton Community College. Examples of entry-level programs include certified medical assistant, certified nursing assistant, medical office specialist and dental assistant. First preference will be given to seniors and graduates of Lebanon High School, but seniors and graduates at all high schools in east Linn County are invited to apply.
— The Nurse Education Scholarship: For caregivers and certified nursing assistants who pursuing continued education in the nursing field. Preference is given to applicants from the Lebanon area and single parents. The deadline to apply for this particular scholarship is 5 p.m. on Saturday, May 28. Scholarship recipients will be announced by July 1.
For complete information about these scholarships, call 541-451-6303 or visit
Reserve for Stand By Us fundraiser
Reservations are now available for the annual Stand By Us benefit auction fundraiser for the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater Santiam, scheduled for Saturday, May 7, at Cheadle Lake Park, 37941 Weirich Drive, Lebanon.
Doors open at 4:30 p.m., with a silent auction at 5 p.m., followed by a live auction and dinner at 6 p.m. The event features a Fogline concert, beginning at 7:30 p.m.
Limited tables are available. To make reservations, contact (541) 258-7105 or
‘Kids to Camp’ auction scheduled
The Fir Lawn Lutheran Church has announced its ninth annual “Kids to Camp” auction, running from 4 to 7 p.m. Saturday, Ma y 14, at the church, 109 W. Holley Road, Sweet Home.
Events include a silent auction, live auction and “Duck Race.” Its menu features a “Flaminga” luau.
The auction itself is free to attend; however, dinner costs $15 per person.
For more information or to RSVP for dinner by May 10, call (541) 367-3642, text (541) 367-3642 or email [email protected].
Strawberry fest coming in June
The Strawberry Festival will be in full festival mode, from Thursday, June 2, to Sunday, June 5.
This year’s event features live entertainment by headliners Jo Dee Messina on Thursday, James Otto & Jackson Michelson on Friday, and Steve Augeri of Journey on Saturday, followed by the Grand Parade on Saturday, and the Flower Show put on by the Lebanon Garden Club at Santiam Place.
Tickets are now available for purchase online at
May 9 deadline for Search and Rescue
Linn County Sheriff’s Office is recruiting young men and women, ages 14 to 18, to join and participate in a 10-day summer training program for its Search and Rescue Team. The academy will be held June 17-27.
Search and Rescue team members often work alongside deputies of the Linn County Sheriff’s Office. Young men and women build resiliency and gain valuable leadership and professional skills impacting their future personal and professional lives.
The application process includes oral interviews, a background check and physical aptitude test. Applicants must attend one recruit meeting at the Linn County Sheriff’s Office in Albany, at 7 p.m. o May 9. Successful applicants will be eligible to attend the 10-day Search and Rescue Training Academy in June. Training will include classes in wilderness survival, shelter building, search tactics, first aid/CPR, map and compass reading, rappelling, and many more topics.
For more information about the program contact Lt. Joe Larsen at the Linn County Sheriff’s Office (541) 812-2272 or visit the Linn County Sheriff’s Office website at
Fire academy set for girls in county
Girls aged 16 to 19 are invited to attend the Linn County Young Women’s Fire Academy June 23-24.
The two-day event is a free, hands-on opportunity to learn from female firefighters at Lebanon Fire Station 31, 1050 W. Oak St.
Applications are available at For more information, visit