Around Town (Jan. 11, 2023)

Meals on Wheels weekly menu

Meals on Wheels offers take-out lunch at the Sweet Home Community Center to seniors over 60 at noon on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays.

The menu on Friday, Jan. 13, is a homestyle turkey patty with gravy or a barbecued smokehouse chop, delmonico potatoes, cauliflower/carrot salad, whole-wheat bread and carrot cake.

The Sweet Home Community Center is closed Monday, Jan. 16, for the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday.

The menu on Tuesday, Jan. 17, is Southwest chicken or breaded beef steak with gravy, whipped potatoes, sliced carrots, whole-wheat bread and seasonal fruit.

For more information or to learn about volunteer opportunities, contact Norene at (541) 367-8843.

City-health focus groups continue

The Sweet Home Health Committee, in partnership with Western University School of Health Sciences, continues its focus-group meetings this month, seeking community input on the health of the city.

Student doctors from the university will conduct these sessions at 6 p.m. Jan. 11, 17 and 18 at the Sweet Home Police Department, 1950 Main St. Participants will be asked five to 10 open-ended questions about health care and health-related issues.

Each focus group will be limited to eight individuals.

Anyone interested in participating should contact Larry Horton at [email protected] with preferred dates.

LCSMA schedules Jan. 21 meeting

The Linn County Small Woodlands Association annual membership meeting is set for 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 21, at the ZCBJ Hall, 38704 N. Main St., Scio.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, annual meetings have been handled through postcards sent to members. With health restrictions eased, the board of directors decided earlier this month to renew the tradition, which usually features a potluck dinner, door prizes, 4-H presentations, a business portion and auction. This year, according to Board President Tim Otis, will include PowerPoint presentations honoring the past three “tree farmers of the year.”

Jan. 22 benefit set in Lebanon

A New Year, New Life Bowling Bonanza to benefit the victim of a construction accident will take place Monday, Jan. 22, in Lebanon.

Participants can contact InSpirit Marketing for details at (541) 791-2901 or [email protected] for details and to sign up to sponsor a lane. Cost to sponsor a lane is $600, with two or more available at $500 each. Eighteen lanes are available.

Proceeds will go to Josh Grant, who was injured by a 16-ton beam. A down payment on a 2012 Toyota Sienna wheelchair-accessible van, which will cost $22,000, has been made.

Samaritan hosts info sessions

Samaritan Health Services will host an informational meeting Tuesday, Jan. 24, for nonprofit organizations, community coalitions and government entities based in Benton, Lincoln or Linn counties, regarding this year’s process to apply for Social Accountability funding.

The meeting will be offered both virtually and in person beginning at 1 p.m. in conference rooms 3 and 4 at Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital, 525 N. Santiam Hwy., and via Microsoft Teams.

The session will provide information on Samaritan’s Social Accountability funding goals, objectives and priorities for 2023, plus an overview of the application process. Anyone interested in applying for funding is encouraged to attend, as significant changes have been made to the application process.

For questions about the meeting, contact JoAnn Miller, director of Community Health Promotion, at [email protected] or (541) 768-7330. To receive the Microsoft Teams meeting link, contact Shelley Hazelton at [email protected] or (541) 768-5256.

Health network sets meeting

Faith Community Health Network will meet from 3:30 to 6 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 25, at the Health Occupations Center, 300 Mullins Drive, Lebanon.

Participants will discuss challenges and successes and map out group events for the upcoming year to build skills and move things forward in local faith communities.

There is no charge to participate.

Faith Community Health Network has trained faith community nurses in four congregations in Lebanon, plus three who are trained but unaffiliated with a congregation. It has also trained faith community nurses in two congregations in the Albany area, and one trained health minister in another.

For more information, contact Tawni Pfaff at (541) 367-8045 or email [email protected].
