Meals on Wheels
weekly menu
Meals on Wheels offers an on-site lunch at noon Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays to seniors over 60 at the Sweet Home Community Center.
There is a suggested donation of $3.50 per meal.
Meals are ordered in advance, and are the same meals as delivered to Meals on Wheels participants.
A menu will always be posted in the senior center’s dining room.
The menu on Friday, July 7, is cowboy campfire stew or turkey tetrazzini, sliced carrots, a garden vegetable salad, a rye bran roll and a lemon blondie.
The menu on Monday, July 10, is a cheese lasagna roll-up or a chicken rice bake, spinach, creamy coleslaw, a rye bran roll and an orange delight.
The menu on Tuesday, July 11, is a homestyle turkey patty with gravy or a barbecued smokehouse chop, colcannon potatoes, a marinated vegetable salad, an oat bran wheat roll and an Oreo fluff.
For more information, contact Norene at (541) 367-8843.
PEO berry sale
ends Friday, July 7
Sweet Home P.E.O. Chapter DD is holding its annual berry fundraiser through July 7.
Proceeds provide educational scholarships, loans, and grants to women in the Sweet Home community.
The berries are freshly picked Columbia Star blackberries and blueberries, flash-frozen in nine-pound plastic pails. Released in 2014, Columbia Stars are vigorous, thornless, large and firm blackberries with a flavor rated as good or better than marionberry, which is 20% of Columbia Star’s parentage.
To purchase berries, email [email protected] or call or text Nancy at (541) 912-6579. Orders will be collected through July 7.
Those purchasing berries will be able to pick them up between 9 and 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 19, on Long Street behind the Rio Theater.
Exchange student
hosts sought
International Experience, a nonprofit student exchange organization based in Monroe, is seeking local families to host foreign exchange students for the 2023-24 school year.
Host families provide safe and caring hospitality, meals, local transportation and a quiet place to study.
Students provide their own spending money, school expenses and insurance.
Children of host families are also eligible for scholarships to visit other countries through IE three-week summer immersion homestay programs.
To learn more, contact Cynthia Burgeson at [email protected].
Chamber golf
tourney July 7
Lebanon Chamber of Commerce and COMP-Northwest will host the chamber’s annual golf tournament at 8 a.m. Friday, July 7, at Mallard Creek Golf Course, 31966 Bellinger Scale Road.
The fundraising event offers a variety of entry opportunities for local teams in the shotgun-style event. Registration is at 7 a.m. at the golf course.
Participants have a chance to win a $2,000 Mallard Creek membership.
For information, contact the chamber at (541) 258-7164.
First Friday block
party, sale set
Lebanon Downtown Association will host a “Block Party & Star Spangled Sidewalk Sale” for its First Friday event from 4 to 8 p.m. on July 7.
There will be a barbecue, chips and drink special, sidewalk sales by downtown merchants, vendors, a passport raffle scavenger hunt, chalk walk and pie baking contest.
For more information, visit
Community yard
sale set July 8
The Sweet Home Chamber of Commerce is holding a series of Saturday Sweet Home community yard sales this spring and summer, scheduled July 8 and Aug. 5.
The chamber will provide maps of all participating properties, where shoppers may find deals on household items, furniture and more.
Maps will be available a day before the sales at the chamber building, 1575 Main St .; Sweet Home City Hall, 3225 Main St .; or at the garage sale board at 18th Avenue and Long Street.
Museum seeking
sale donations
East Linn Museum is gearing up for its annual yard sale, scheduled from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday, July 14-15 at its location, 746 Long St.
The event coincides with the city’s Sportsman’s Holiday Weekend.
Donations of clean, usable items such as clothing, housewares, sporting goods, kitchen items, etc., are welcome at the museum fundraiser.
Large items such as furniture or electronics cannot be accepted.
Drop any donations off between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Thursdays, Fridays or Saturdays at the museum.
FOL in Lebanon
to hold book sale
Friends of the Lebanon Public Library will host its monthly book sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, July 15, at the Lebanon Senior Center, 80 Tangent St.
The event features a select inventory of books, new arrivals, special editions and sets, DVDs, CDs, audio books, and more. Most books range from 50 cents to $2 each. Credit/debit cards are accepted on purchases of $5 and up.
Proceeds support children’s programs and special projects at the Lebanon Public Library.
FAC Marble Hunt
rolls into town
Family Assistance and Resource Group and Haught Flash Glass host the “Great Sweet Home Marble Hunt” from noon to 3 p.m. Saturday, July 15, at Sankey Park, 877 14th Ave.
The FAC fundraiser features handcrafted marbles by borosilicate glass artist Christan Stagg from Haught Flash Glass. Marbles are valued at between $10 to $150 each.
Cost to participate is $5 per child and $10 per adult. Registered participants will be entered into a drawing for a giveaway.
Register in person or by visiting and entering “Sweet Home Marble Hunt” in the search field.
For more information, call (541) 224-7503.
‘Dirty Rotten’ on
stage this month
The Lebanon Association for Theatre Arts and its Sweet Home counterpart SHOCASE will stage “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels – The Musical” Thursday through Saturday, July 20-22, at Lebanon High School Performing Arts Center, 1700 S. Fifth St.
Performances are 7 p.m. July 20-22, with a 2 p.m. matinee Saturday.
The show will also be staged at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, July 28-29, in the auditorium at Sweet Home High School, 1600 Long St.
A 2 p.m. matinee is scheduled at 2 p.m. Saturday.
Ticket prices and outlets are being confirmed. For updated information, visit or
Native American
cultural events
Linn County will host three cultural encampments at local county parks:
Each encampment runs Friday through Sunday. Events scheduled are:
n July 28-30 at Waterloo County Park, 39510 Gross St., Lebanon.
n Aug. 25-27 at Cascadia County Park, 48241 Cascadia Drive, Cascadia.
For more information, contact Deitrich Peters at [email protected].