Meals on Wheels weekly menu
Meals on Wheels offers an on-site lunch at noon Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays to seniors over 60 at the Sweet Home Community Center.
There is a suggested donation of $3.50 per meal.
Meals are ordered in advance, and are the same meals as delivered to Meals on Wheels participants.
A menu will always be posted in the senior center’s dining room.
The menu on Friday, May 5, is a chicken fajita bowl or beef enchilada bake, chuckwagon corn, creamy cucumber salad, corn bread and cinnamon chocolate pudding.
The menu on Monday, May 8, is a three-cheese lasagna or Western pork stew, an Italian vegetable blend, spinach romaine salad, a squash roll and lemon pudding.
The menu on Tuesday, May 9, is a beef Swiss steak with sauce or creamed chicken and vegetables, garlic whipped potatoes, broccoli, cracked wheat bread and pineapple fluff.
For more information, contact Norene at (541) 367-8843.
SH celebrates Day of Prayer
Sweet Home will celebrate National Day of Prayer Thursday, May 4, at various public locations, where participants will gather to pray for families, churches, business and the workplace, education, military, government and arts, media and entertainment.
Local churches will host gatherings as follows:
— 7:30 a.m. at Sweet Home School District headquarters, 1920 Long St.
— 10 a.m. at Sweet Home Chamber of Commerce, 1575 Main St.
— Noon at Sweet Home City Hall, 3225 Main St.
— 5 p.m. at Sweet Home Police Department, 1950 Main St.
— A closing service will be held at 7 p.m. at Hillside Fellowship, 501 Nandina St.
Genealogy group to meet at library
The Lebanon Genealogical Society will meet at 12:30 p.m. Friday, May 5, at the Lebanon Public Library Community Room, 55 Academy St.
The topic will be a show-and-tell. Participants are invited to bring pieces of family history complete with short stories behind them.
A short business meeting will follow the presentation.
Plant sale, clinic set in Corvallis
Oregon State University Master Gardeners will hold a plant sale and clinic from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, May 6, in the solar barn and floral courtyard at the Benton County Fairgrounds, 110 SW 53rd St., Corvallis.
The event will include more than 10,000 plants, including perennials, edibles, natives, and trees and shrubs.
More information is available at
Mother’s Day sale for cancer victim
The Boobie Bunco Event, a Mother’s Day fundraiser, will be held Saturday and Sunday, May 6 and 7, in the commons at Sweet Home High School, 1641 Long St.
Hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday.
The event will benefit a local woman who is fighting cancer. It will feature 43 vendors and crafters, 11 plus-size clothing booths, a Cornerstone Missions bake sale, hamburger baskets offered by Fair Share Gleaners and a coffee/Italian soda cart.
A vendor list is viewable at
Cheadle Lake run/walk May 6
The 14th annual Cheadle Lake Fun Run/Walk and Kids Obstacle Dash will be held from 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday, May 6, at the Cheadle Lake Park festival site, 37919 Weirich Drive.
The event includes 5K and 10K runs and walks, and a kids obstacle dash, which will include a gunny sack race, the pool noodle slalom and a pirate-supervised “Walk the Plank” activity for children aged 10 and under. Adults are welcome to follow their kids and assist if needed.
The 5K and 10K will follow newly completed paths north to River Park and around Cheadle Lake back to Cheadle Park. Pre-event registration runs through 11:59 p.m. Friday, May 5, and costs $30. Prices go up at the event. Sign up at
Participation is limited to 200, with the first 150 free. Others pay $10 each. Registration ends at midnight prior to the event.
All proceeds go to BLT for use toward planning, promoting, maintaining and developing more than 50 miles of fully accessible multi-use, hiking, walking and bicycling trails.
LCSWA offers scholarships
Linn County Small Woodlands Association offers $2,000 annual and renewable scholarships to Linn County residents and nearby students attending county high schools.
The scholarships, to be used at colleges in Oregon, are funded by income from the LCSWA annual seedling sale, which set records this year, netting $19,000 for LCSWA’s scholarship fund.
Scholarship committee chairman Katie Kohl heads a team of volunteers who will interview applicants in late May.
Scholarships will be awarded on academic achievement, honors and awards, school and community activities and college academic plans.
Deadline to file applications and references this year is Friday, May 19.
Students can contact her at [email protected].
Genealogical Society hosts Lampright
Sweet Home Genealogical Society will host Beth Lambright, governor of the Oregon Society of Mayflower Descendants, from 11 a.m. to noon Saturday, May 20, at 1223 Kalmia St.
The event is free.
Designs sought for fair T-shirt
Local youth involved in Linn County 4-H and FFA organizations are invited to submit designs for the front of the 2023 Linn County Fair T-shirt.
The contest is open to all Linn County 4-H and FFA youth attending the fair.
Each contestant is limited to one design, which can be submitted by May 31. The design must be an original work – absolutely no tracing or copying designs – and must use only one color.
Entries must be submitted as a PDF or JPG file format.
If selected, the contest winner will see their design printed on the T-shirts passed out at the fair and will receive a $50 Coastal Farms gift card.
The winner will also meet with a professional designer from NoDinx to help prepare the final image.
They will be highlighted in the Extension’s Growing newspaper and on social media.
Submit designs at:
For more information, contact Michele Webster at [email protected].
Garden club to hold flower show
The Lebanon Garden Club encourages community members of all ages to enter its annual free Flower Show, which will be held the first weekend of June during the Strawberry Festival, from 1 to 4:30 p.m. Friday, June 2, and 12 to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, June 3, at Santiam Place, 139 S Main St.
Entries for this year’s show will be accepted June 1-2.
Flower show schedule books describing acceptable entries (including individual specimens, terrariums, and dish gardens) and designs are available at the Chamber of Commerce, Lebanon Senior Center, Lebanon Public Library, Green Thumb Nursery, Summit Ace Home & Garden and Garland’s Nursery as soon as the schedule is available.
For information regarding entries and general show questions, contact Lynne Neuman at (541) 990-3894.
Calling SHHS Class of 1983
Sweet Home High School’s Class of 1983 will hold its 40th Class Reunion Saturday, July 22, at The Woods Roadhouse, 6099 Hwy. 20, Foster.
Organizers are trying to locate class members.
To contribute to that effort, contact Tami Volz at (541) 990-3405 or Kyla (Jones) Jutte at (541) 390-6826.