
Editorial: Christmas starting strong in Sweet Home (Dec. 7, 2022)

If last weekend was any indication, we feel pretty safe in saying that Sweet Home is really moving on from those two years of COVID experience.

The Singing Christmas Tree pulled off three successful performances, for the first time in as many years. This was a big deal, because their attempt last year to resume their annual performances fell short. This year, the choir was at full strength and although there was room for more in the audience, the community responded as they celebrated their 40th year.

The Christmas Tree Auction was the biggest ever, drawing a full house at the Boys & Girls Club, even if some prospective attendees were unable to make because of whatever bug is sweeping through right now.

And, of course, there were the kids shopping events, which somehow survived – and even thrived during the pandemic.

It’s definitely a celebration this year and that should make us all glad.

COVID certainly wasn’t good for any of us, but increasingly it’s become evident that the cure might have been worse than the malady for many more.

Which is why we’re really happy to see people enjoying themselves in public and participating in these community events.

And we’ve got another one coming up: the Parade of Lights this Saturday evening at 5 p.m. Bring the hot chocolate and the brownies and hunker down for some spectacular mobile displays.

Speaking of spectacular, we’ve noticed a surge in creative light display efforts this season. Know of a good one? The Chamber of Commerce is taking recommendations for its Tour of Lights at forms.gle/UVkjYLDYvN7e1Q2f7.

On another note, it’s great to see Sweet Home’s new city manager, Kelcey Young, making strides in getting to know this community.

If you see her popping up in photos in this edition, it wasn’t because we were following her around. She just seemed to be everywhere – at the tree lighting ceremony, the Kids Free Christmas Store on Saturday morning, the Christmas Tree Auction – and those were just the events at which we spotted her.

It’s great to see city officials involved outside the job. That includes City Council members, and we saw some of them too.

Carry on!
