New art show
at City Hall
A new art exhibit is on display in the City Hall Gallery, 3225 Main St. featuring work of local artist Colene Wiley.
Wiley specializes in very fine line and pointillism ink, and watercolor pencil graphics. Many of her creations focus on animals. City Hall is open from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays, except for legal holidays.
Candlelight Vigil
A candlelight vigil for Mariah King will be held at 4 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 25, at Northside Park, at the corner of 11th Avenue and Redwood Street.
Mariah died on Jan. 13 and an investigation led police to believe she was murdered. Organizers of the vigil ask the community to attend and share stories about Mariah. Please bring your own candle.
‘Charley’s Aunt’
on stage in Albany
Albany Civic Theater will present “Charley’s Aunt” through Jan. 25 at 111 SE 1st Ave. in Albany.
Directed by Shauna Kiefiuk and Stephanie Schwarz, “Charley’s Aunt,” written by Brandon Thomas, is a tale of comic confusion of love, deception and crazy endings.
For tickets and information visit
Doors open 45 minutes before the show starts.
Mini Market
The 3rd Saturday Mini Market will be open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. until April 19 at The Rez, 1621 53rd Ave., Foster.
Vendors offer items such as sourdough bread, soaps, crafts, jewelry, cookies and wellness products. Open every third Saturday of the month (Feb. 15, March 15, April 19).
Square dance
festival at Expo
The 65th annual Mid-Winter Square Dance Festival will be held Jan. 24-26 at the Linn County Fair and Expo Center, 3700 Knox Butte Road E.
The event, themed “Dancing Around the World,” includes three days of dancing, workshops, vendors and more.
Hours are 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday. Featured callers are Jaden Frigo and Suzie and Gert-Jan Rotcheid.
Dressing up is encouraged.
For more information, call 541.926.4314.
Military Veterans
Farmers Gathering
The Oregon State University Extension Small Farms Program will host its third annual Military Veteran Farmers Winter Gathering from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 26, just south of Corvallis (directions provided upon RSVP).
This is an opportunity for veterans that are currently farming or interested in learning about farming to connect with other local veterans while sharing resources and a potluck meal.
Extension will also share information on the recently updated Oregon Farm Direct Marketing
Law: Producer-processed Value-added Products.
The event is free for veterans to attend. Registration is required due to limited capacity. For more details and to RSVP, visit or contact Crystal Kelso at 541.730.3539 or [email protected].
Feb. 8 fun run
for The New Era
A fun run will be held Saturday morning, Feb. 8, to raise money to support The New Era as the newspaper owners work to rebuild the newspaper.
Sponsored by the Rotary Club, the the race will be “a true fun run,” which will be timed, but rather than having an established entry fee, it will be up to participants to donate whatever they desire to support the newspaper.
The run, which is also being supported by Steelhead Fitness, will start and end at Sankey Park and will be timed “the old-fashioned way,” with a stopwatch at the finish line.
5K run/walk and 10K run courses will be designated for participants and a water stop is planned at a point midway on the courses, which will overlap each other. Those events will start at 10 a.m.
For more information, contact Bronson at 541.954.7198, or Steelhead Fitness at 541.262.1560.
Chamber Awards
Banquet Feb. 8
The Sweet Home Chamber of Commerce will present its 81st annual Awards Banquet from 5 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 8, at the Sweet Home Boys and Girls Club, 890 18th Ave.
Social hour begins at 5 p.m., with dinner at 6 p.m.
Cost is $75 per person or $525 to sponsor a table of eight.
The theme will be “Gateway to the Santiam Playground.” Table sponsors are encouraged to highlight outdoor work or recreation in their table decorations. The facility will be open from noon to 2 p.m. on the day of the event for decorating.
For more information, contact Lagea Mull at 541.367.6186 or [email protected].
Oak Heights
Open House
Oak Heights Elementary will host an open house from 5-6:15 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 10, at 605 Elm St.
The community is invited to come see the newly renovated school, funded for seismic retrofits through a grant and further upgrades by the school district.
Crab Feed
The Sweet Home Elks Lodge will host a crab feed from 6-8 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 15, at 440 Osage St.
Hosted by the Sweet Home Elkettes, the dinner includes one freshly-caught cooked crab, corn on the cob, coleslaw, baked beans, Texas toast and dessert, with a no-host bar. Proceeds benefit area charities.
Group reservation and to-go options are available. Reservations are required by Monday, Feb. 10, limited to the first 150 tickets. Call or text Corinda Stubbs at 541.905.6127 or Tracey Weidner at 541.788.7503 for payment options, or pay at the Elks Lodge bar.
Seedling Sale
Linn County Small Woodlands Association (LCSWA) will host the 30th annual tree and shrub seedling sale from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 15, at the Linn County Fair and Expo Center, 3700 Knox Butte Road, Albany.
Plants available include conifer and deciduous trees, ferns, flowers, native and pollinator-friendly plants, and shrubs. Pre-orders can be made through LCSWA’s online shop until Jan. 31 at
GameCom in
Corvallis Feb. 15-16
C3 GameCon returns to the C3 Corvallis Community Center for its fourth year Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 15-16, at the Corvallis Community Center, 2601 NW Tyler Ave., Corvallis.
The two-day celebration of gaming brings together enthusiasts from across the region for gaming sessions, a cosplay contest and panels and workshops led by celebrity guests. Attendees can also explore the vendor hall to discover unique finds, food and beverages, and connect with fellow fans who share their passion for gaming.
Advance ticket prices are $18 for a two-day pass or $12 for a one-day pass. Door pricing for a one-day pass is $18 and a two-day pass is $27. To purchase tickets in advance visit
The event will include Monsters and Magic Items workshops with YouTube content creator and gaming enthusiast CinderBlocksSally, a miniature figure painting workshop, and Heroes and Villains Workshops, also with CinderBlocksSally.
A complete vendor list and list of games available will be revealed as the event nears, at the website listed above.
Sportsman’s Jr.
Court Applications
First-grade students who live in the Sweet Home School District are invited to apply to participate in the 2025 Sportsman’s Holiday festivities as a Junior Princess or Junior Escort.
Charter School students and homeschoolers are invited to apply as well. Applications are due by Feb. 18. The cost to participate will be $65.
If the number of applicants warrants, the names of at least one boy and one girl from each of the first-grade classes in district elementary schools, as well as Charter School students and homeschoolers, will be drawn. Notification will be made by March 15.
For more information, contact Karla Burcham at [email protected], or call (541) 401-3339 to request an application.
Deliver for
Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels of Sweet Home is in urgent need of volunteer drivers, delivering free meals to local seniors and disabled adults in the Sweet Home area.
Delivery days are Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. The role is best suited for people available in the mid-day, as meals go out at noon. Volunteers work one to two days a week for about 2.5 hours each shift.
Meals on Wheels is managed by Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments and operated by local volunteers. Volunteers package fresh meals in the kitchen and the drivers deliver them. Many local people count on this food as a primary source of nutrition.
For more information or to apply, stop by the Senior Center, email [email protected], or call 541.812.6015.
Square Dance
lessons in SH
Sweet Home Squarenaders will host square dance lessons on Sundays from 2:45-4:30 p.m. at the Foster Elementary School gym, 5526 Poplar St.
First two lessons are free; $5 per lesson thereafter. No partner required. Mainstream level for beginners. Graduation in January. For more information, contact Rod Stidham at 541.367.4939.
Powwow planned
in Lebanon
The first annual Willamette Valley Powwow will be held from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturday, May 31, at the Boulder Falls Event Center, 605 Mullins St.
Visit for traditional and contest dancing, drumming and singing, as well as Native arts and crafts, and food vendors. For more information, contact Laurie at [email protected].
Museum needs
help from locals
East Linn Museum is seeking volunteers and items that are needed for the operation of the museum.
The museum needs volunteers for its operations to replace retiring volunteers. New volunteers are not required to know anything about the museum or how to operate a computer. The museum operates three days a week from Thursday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Supplies needed by the museum include: copy paper, postage stamps, legal size envelopes, paper towels, toilet paper, glass cleaner, all purpose cleaner and Ajax.
For more information, call the museum at 541.367.4580.
Animal rescue
helpers needed
Linn County Animal Rescue needs volunteers for its nonprofit work outside Lebanon. For those interested in a rewarding time spent with animals, consider joining LCAR which has horses, minis, cows, sheep and senior dogs. There are two shifts a day, morning and afternoon. Volunteers can work with the livestock or dogs, or both.
Donations and sponsorships are also welcomed. For more information, visit or call 541.258.3422.
Free dinners
on Mondays
Sunshine Industries invites the public to a free dinner every Monday from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at 1333 Clark Mill Road. Because everyone matters.
Free health
clinic Tuesdays
The East Linn Community Clinic is held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 1600 Main St. in Lebanon.
This is a medical clinic that provides primary and acute medical care for under- or uninsured individuals. On select nights, Western U COMP-NW offers osteopathic manipulative medicine to treat chronic and acute pain. Patients may walk in or schedule appointments.
For more information, call (541) 758-3000 ext. 115.
Farmers markets
on Thursdays
Weekly winter farmers markets will be held Thursdays from 2 to 6 p.m. from Jan. 16 through March 27 at Santiam Place Event Center, 139 S. Main St., Lebanon.
For more information on how to participate, contact Belinda at (541) 418-2603 or [email protected].
Library to hold
Author Fair
Friends of the Lebanon Public Library will host its second annual Author Fair, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 22, at the Lebanon Senior Center, 80 Tangent St.
This year, Friends expects to have 12 speakers and more than 40 authors, providing a wide variety of genres including children’s and young adult, historical fiction, romance, mystery/thriller, sci-fi and fantasy, memoir, Oregon history, and more.
Attendees will have the chance to meet the authors, buy their books and merchandise; attend workshops, readings, and talks; connect with writers; and celebrate the literary talent in Oregon.
The Teen Advisory Group will also be there selling baked goods and snacks to raise money for teen programs at the library, while 3 Potato More’s food truck will be available for lunch options.
Please bring cash; some authors and the bake sale do not accept card payments.
Registration for authors to have a table is full, but to get on the waitlist, visit / Proceeds from author tables benefit the Lebanon Public Library.