Jan. 12, 1950
Ground will probably be broken in May at the site of Sweet Home’s new municipal swimming pool, according to Bill Pearson, acting president of Frontier Days Inc. He said the cash and pledge total in the swimming pool fund now stands at approximately $10,000 – enough to erect an outside pool. Site for the pool at the west end of the high school gymnasium has already been granted, and next steps are to draw up construction plans to make it an indoor facility.
Jan. 9, 1975
The Sweet Home Women’s Club will launch its Mr. Yuk program by talking to about 400 first graders and preschoolers about poisons and harmful substances in the home. Each child will be given a list of poisons that can be found in the home and a sheet of Mr. Yuk stickers that can be placed on those dangerous products to indicate “stay away.”
The Planning Commission approved the expansion of two Church of Christ buildings. Church representatives said they needed more space for their growing memberships. The church at 1825 Long St. plans to increase capacity from 180 to 300, as well as expand office space and add a new conference room. The church at 3025 Hwy. 20 plans to build a new auditorium for 200 and divide the current auditorium into classrooms.
Jan. 12, 2000
Linn County Dog Control has been spending time in Sweet Home with convictions for unlicensed dogs crowding the Sweet Home Justice Court docket. Between Aug. 1 and Oct. 31, a dog control canvasser had written about 200 citations for violations in Linn County.
The school district and police department are working together to stop the damaging of the open area around the high school entrance and breezeway. Concrete fixtures, steps and walls have been damaged by youths using skateboards, bicycles and roller blades in the area, a popular place for it, despite signs prohibiting the activity.