June 20, 1974
A&W reopened after extensive remodeling of the kitchen facilities and completion of a large addition just east of the current building to seat 60 people. The kitchen got a new stainless steel grill, and phones were installed in the new dining area that both the order girl and kitchen receive simultaneously for more efficient cook times. The new addition features gold carpeting, dark overstuffed booths, and the center of the room filled with a large gas fireplace hooded with a replica of the roof.
In the past week there have been five log truck accidents in the area. One involved a trucker being struck from behind by a vehicle, which then rolled onto another car in the opposite lane. On Monday, three separate log truck-involved accidents occurred: one driver’s brakes failed, causing his truck to roll; one driver’s trailer bunk broke, causing the truck to roll; the third driver struck the road’s shoulder and rolled. The fifth accident occurred when the reach on a truck broke as it rounded a corner and rolled.
Lola Morss reflected back on her time working in a man’s world when she began supervising men in the woods for her husband’s logging operation in 1940. Morss set chokers, drove cat, worked as a tree faller and loaded log trucks. She recalled only one instance in California when some men teasingly threw bugs at her; she paid them back by throwing snakes at them. Now, as part of a program that places elderly in jobs, Morss works as a civil engineer technician for the Forest Service.
June 23, 1999
The school district closed the track to competitive student athletics at Husky Field, citing safety concerns. Track Coach Billy Snow last year and this year asked for funding in the budget to fix the track
Witnesses reported several persons involved in a criminal mischief spree after residents saw individuals smashing mailboxes along Ames Creek Drive. Some residents chased the alleged perpetrators and reported the incidents to police, who also had reports of other mischief around town. Raymond Daniels, 17, and Scott Allen, 19, were charged with 11 counts of criminal mischief.
Robert Tyler Rice, 14, a Troop 362 Boy Scout, earned his Eagle badge earning 35 merit badges since 1993. For his Eagle project, Rice coordinated improvements for Holley Christian Church’s belfry and bell tower, including new ladders, cleaning and painting, and refurbished wood slats.