Nov. 1, 1973
The Army Corps of Engineers is giving Foster and Green Peter a facelift. Projects at Foster include a day use area below the dam, a foot bridge over the Santiam River to fish hatchery, landscaping at the hatchery, a foot path from the dam to the viewpoint across from The Point Restaurant, and interpretive displays. The Green Peter dam will get visitor sites with parking and landscaping, and hydromulching from a fertilizer byproduct of paper mills.
George Mealey, board member of East-Linn Museum Society, met with Army Corps Parks Manager Ron Bailey to discuss future use of the Sunnyside School building. ELMS has been advocating using the school as a museum in conjunction with a proposed Corps visitor center and offices. Museum bylaws and constitution are yet to be ratified by the society.
A rash of thefts were reported this week. Mrs. Lloyd Barnard reported theft of a gas can and gas from her pickup, while Thomas R. Walker reported the theft of a Remington 760 Gamemaster rifle. Elm Street Baptist was burglarized; stolen were a Webcor stereophonic tape recorder, four-inch reels and 20 cassette tapes. City Center Motel reported thefts of a television and tenant’s clothing. Porta Via Motel also reported theft of a television. The Girl Scout building in Sankey Park was broken into, its cupboards ransacked, but nothing stolen.
Nov. 4, 1998
The city is communicating with the Corps of Engineers regarding site location to replace its 62-year-old water treatment plant. The city is interested in building at the base of Foster Dam.
State police are investigating an arson that destroyed the Fern Ridge home of Forest Wodtli, who was residing in an Albany retirement home at the time. It was concluded the home was broken into and the fire started using combustible materials at the point of entry. A neighbor reported seeing two suspects with a flashlight leave the area just prior to the fire.