
Heartfelt Thanks

We’d love to extend our heartfelt thanks to the folks who worked so hard to suppress and contain the Wiley Creek fire that had so many of us locals worried. We were blessed to have so many skilled people involved in this endeavor, Nikki Swanson our wonderful District Ranger and Aaron Radford, Dennis Cross, Nick Tyler, Chad Calderwood and Rick Cambell of Cascade Timber who gave us those wonderful updates to keep us apprised of where they were on the fire. Nor could we forget all the folks at our local Oregon Department of Forestry (with a special nod to Vickie, who patiently put up with my daily phone calls), Milt Moran and the crew of Cascade Timber, the timber fallers, equipment operators, fire fighters, private contractors and pilots that worked so hard to fight this fire and our amazing county commissioner Will Tucker, there daily checking on how things were going and how he could help, we definitely had the A team on this.

Jean & Kevin Burger & all the Grateful folks at Cascadia
