
Letter: Abortion simply kills the innocent (July 13, 2022)


“Beware of people convinced of their moral superiority,” stated Diane Daiute in her July 6 letter to the editor, “SC ruling returns U.S. to ‘Dark Ages.’”

Diane’s view is that the Supreme Court has recently taken away all bodily rights from American women. Actually, as I see it, this is not the case.

First, Diane’s argument conflates a woman’s uterus with “her unwanted pregnancy.” Note: The uterus is the woman’s own body. Correct.

The child within the womb is not her own body. Check the science: The pre-born person’s DNA in the womb does not have the identical DNA with the birth mother and is clearly not her.

Diane’s logic in common with most abortion supports, actually presuming and speaking as a pre-Civil War slave-owner(!). Yes: they use proprietary assumptions and demand the same brutal life and death power over the human property they claim to “own.”

 What is true is that the recent (2022) Supreme Court decision removed abortion from federal control and returned laws on this matter to the legislators of each and every state.

The “right to privacy” and the “penumbra” that the 1973 Supreme Court hallucinated into their shabby “Roe v Wade” decision 49 years ago provided a gruesome fantasy “fill-in-the-blanks” outline that has resulted in the murder of 65 million American babies before their opportunity to live outside their mother’s body.

Federal three-letter agencies have been and are funding the pharma sale of baby body parts with a grim premium placed on “fresh and never frozen” pre-born baby heads. The Dark Ages are already with us, Diane, brought to us by abortion gone wild.

 The Scriptures, the Bible, recognizes this for what it is and perfectly names it: “shedding innocent blood.” The pre-born child is killed, though guilty of nothing itself.

Abortions are actually committed to escape sin and the laws endorsing it are ruinous.

Pete Ready

