Regarding one of the photos from the elementary school track meet. The caption reads “Ryker Gourly, of Hawthorne, who is blind, with helper Jessika Brendle, right, gets a ribbon after competing in the 100 meters. P.E. teacher John Mithen paced Ryker so he could run the race.”
Jessika Brendle is an instructional assistant employed by the Sweet Home School District. To my knowledge, there are no employees with the job title of “helper”.
A better caption: Ryker Gourley, of Hawthorne, gets a ribbon after competing in the 100 meters.
His visual status is irrelevant to his ability to run alongside of his classmates. Blind and visually impaired individuals are quite capable of running.
If he were deaf, autistic, orthopedically impaired, or any other physical or mental impairment would you have listed that?
Jennifer Orton
Teacher of the Visually
Impaired and Certified
Orientation and Mobility Specialist