
Letter: Experience says Measure 111 good (Oct. 26, 2022)


I am writing in support of Measure 111.

I was born to a single mom who lacked health insurance. OHSU provided charity care to my mom during my birth. Two years later, the Chemawa Indian Health Service Center in my hometown of Salem was established. I was able to get the care I needed that my family may not have not been able to otherwise afford.

I joined the U.S. Army at 18, a blue-collar kid in the hopes of adventure, a vocation, money for college – and seeing the world while serving the country I love. I served in Army hospitals for eight years in the U.S and around the world, to include Afghanistan. As an active duty soldier, I always received high-quality care from the military health system.

I received an Honorable Discharge from the Army in 2003. Ever since I have been eligible and received “the best care anywhere” from the VA.

Whether because of my status and eligibility as a Native American; as an active duty soldier; or now as a Veteran – the federal government has always ensured that I had the care I needed to thrive. I want this right to healthcare for all my fellow Oregonians regardless of their background or demographic. Measure 111 will add language to the Constitution which establishes health care as a human right for ALL Oregonians.

I encourage voters to vote YES on Measure 111.

Valdez Bravo

Lake Oswego
