Letter: Life comes from someone above us (June 1, 2022)


Regarding the letter from Diane Dainte about “abortion rights” (May 18):

Every person who disdains the saving of another life to “help” make living easier is assuming that only the one who can speak for themselves holds the future. Religion has nothing to do with why a human being exists.

Taking away religion from the reason for living, one discovers there is a desire to live. Diane is a living being who obviously was allowed to exist and continue living because her mother chose to allow her to do so.

All the laws and decisions by others had nothing to do with her existence. It then becomes a question why she feels so strongly that another human being just because that one is alive but not outside the womb is “disposable.”

This is the same feeling those bombing, shooting innocent people in warring areas around the world feel they have the right to do. Murdering another human being as a choice of “right” is assuming they hold the exclusive power of judgment.

We will all leave earth eventually, according to Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth (BIBLE)we all face a judgment by a power far more aware of each individual’s choices then presently known.

I am grateful I was allowed to live, the eternal future is far more worth it than the trials of living can ever overcome. It is not religion; it is a relationship. Thank the Lord God Almighty that He is real and merciful to every one of us.


Bonnie J. Neal

Sweet Home
