Letter: Readers appreciate local newspaper (Oct. 12, 2022)


We look forward to The New Era each week.

We will discontinue our subscription from the so-called newspaper in Albany.

I will miss it this winter as I use it to start the morning fire in my shop stove.

We have subscribed to The New Era in excess of 50 years. It is still the same great weekly newspaper it has always been.

We would like to bring something to your attention that you are trying to overlook.

The price of gas has been over $5 per gallon. A cup of coffee is around $3 in most restaurants. We could keep adding to this list.

My wife and I were discussing what inflation is doing to everything and everybody. We feel you and your crew are entitled to at least the rate of inflation, plus a few years of no increase to the price of the paper.

We feel the quality and content of the paper is worth way (emphasis) more than what you are charging.

Wes and Carol Marchbanks

Sweet Home
