
Letter: Volunteers, donors spark Beautification (June 1, 2022)


We had a great turn-out for our spring Beautification Planting Day earlier this month.

Twenty-one volunteers came to help. All went well, taking us nearly three hours to plant 1,350 petunias in the median planters.

The early May rain and chilly weather set the flowers back a little. The warmer weather should help them fill in nicely.

A special thank-you to Brian Gardner and Santiam Spray Service for the donation of weed control and fertilizer. Santiam Spray Service’s support is a great cost savings for the city and contributes to the beauty of our city.

Beautification volunteers would not be able to plant and take care of the medians and entry sign areas without the support of Public Works and administrative staff.

So, our season begins and you will see us out there weeding and tending our flowers on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. We always welcome more volunteers! Contact Rebecca at Public Works for more information: (541) 367-6359.

Susan Thompson

Beautification Committee

City of Sweet Home
