Logging crummy goes over embankment

Kristy Tallman

On Monday, January 8, a logging crummy was involved in a motor vehicle crash that took the truck over a 150 foot embankment.

Sweet Home Fire & Rescue Department responded to a motor vehicle crash off the Wiley Creek Main Line at mile marker 4. The accident call came in at 6:29 am. When they arrived they found a crummy crewcab pickup had gone over the embankment.

“We respond to any logging accident,” said Nick Tyler, SHFD Chief. “When there’s a logging accident it’s a big event for the community, everyone pitches in.” Tyler stated off duty responders and other community members also arrived on scene to help out. “A logging accident really hits home, especially here, and everyone always goes above and beyond.”

According to Tyler the crummy was attempting to pull out onto the roadway when it was blinded by the lights of the logging truck ahead. It went off the embankment and flipped over before landing nose first into the creek below.

The passengers in the vehicle were able to extract themselves before responders reached the scene. At the time of the accident Sweet Home had four ambulances out already. Two people were transported to the hospital with minor injuries.

“This really kicked off a busy day for us. When the call came in we already had four ambulances out,” Tyler explained, “This accident really set the tone for the day, by 10 am we already had seven calls within three hours.”
